The Whining and Bitching Thread

Zeph, it wasn't that long ago that you were a Catholic right? I'm sure if someone was insulting you personally because of whatever you believed in, regardless of how crazy it may sound, I'm sure you'd be pissed.

I've been apostate for nearly two years, and even when I was a Christian, I came to this forum knowing that my beliefs would be assailed, therefore I took no personal offense.

Aside from that I never identified with those who place spiritual value in inanimate objects.
why do people even care? it isnt your place to do shit about it anyways. everyone is allowed to think whatever they want, and its high time all these militant agnostic/athiest/whatever folks realize that.
why do people even care? it isnt your place to do shit about it anyways. everyone is allowed to think whatever they want, and its high time all these militant agnostic/athiest/whatever folks realize that.

I think it's important to point out when certain beliefs can be dangerous, both to others and to the self, such as beliefs based on unfounded superstition. When something goes wrong and the beliefs to which they turn don't hold up, these people tend to fall harder than those who have no beliefs because they were expecting to be 'saved.' So while it may 'work' while everything is going relatively okay, there's always the potential of actually making things worse in the long run, which is always my worry when people express superstitious beliefs.

Seriously, anyone who believes in the power of crystals and dream catchers needs to be ridiculed. They are pre-scientific ideas that make people have something they feel they can lean on. Why not just face the way reality works?

Where are the double blinded studies concluding there is something special in either of them? There isn't any because they do not work. The are used by kooks, frauds, and true believers. No I will not sit by and let people believe in this nonsense because beliefs inform actions. These actions can possibly hurt people in situation where they cannot think clearly ( like dying of cancer).

EDIT: the ad hominen attacks were probably unnecessary, but it's the internet, so I don't care.

There are plenty of important reasons to care about what other people think.
why do people even care? it isnt your place to do shit about it anyways. everyone is allowed to think whatever they want, and its high time all these militant agnostic/athiest/whatever folks realize that.

How about the fact that half the world is enslaved to a nihilistic religion that cares more about the next world than this one, and the other half enthralled by a medieval mandate to create a global empire under Islamic law? I find at least the latter rather threatening to my way of life, partly due to the resources the American Empire has to waste on fighting Islam.

I'm hating the game, not the player. The New Age trend is a game, and I mean no personal offense to those who play at it when I call it a complete waste of time.

Voicing anti-religious sentiments is not misguided atheism. If we don't act like assholes, nobody will listen.
I don't know about you guys, but when I see someone that has died because of his/her anti-science views, it hurts me. It happens way too much, I reckon.
If we don't act like assholes, nobody will listen.

100% wrong man. acting like an asshole will only strengthen their resolve. now if someone actually wants to have a civil discussion then i'm all for it. but acting like an asshole and proselytizing your beliefs isnt the way to get the job done.

or a simpler point: how do you feel when someone tries to convert you, and simply refuses to be civil about YOUR beliefs?

lastly, if people believe in an imaginary man in the sky, theyre too stupid to understand you anyways. so just leave em alone
Not 100% wrong. I was ridiculed and a good friend of mine was an asshole to me, making me reassess my beliefs. I know it's anecdotal, but it's one way that will work.

Also, do you not care for progress of the human race? Do you not think argument will help?
humans dont want progress and arent ready for the argument. atleast not now

i understand your experience, however i've had plenty of my own which point to the contrary. living in an evangelical town and working in the US military. i've had plenty of experience with hardcore religious folk, and they arent willing to hear or think about their beliefs being wrong. never once have i met someone who had an interest in the agnostic/athiest argument who didnt already believe it themselves
I am amazed by some of the responses, given what little I've actually exposed about my own beliefs. You guys have taken what I've said and totally run like mad bulls with it, it's hilarious.

I think I'm just going to sit back and enjoy this. Please, continue making asses of yourselves, this is good eyecandy for everyone at work :lol:
Well most everyone is quite sure that their beliefs, whether religious/agnostic or athiestic, are right, so there is little point in discussing with someone who is not looking for possibilities.
Swizzlenuts and Dodens' posts made me so mad that I had to channel my anger into a crystal. I was carrying the crystal around when suddenly I was mugged! Acting quickly I whipped out the crystal and fired an anger laser at the would be mugger. He was vaporized immediately. Crystals saved my life. Thanks Hubster!
humans dont want progress and arent ready for the argument. atleast not now
And don't you see that as a problem that needs to be addressed?
i understand your experience, however i've had plenty of my own which point to the contrary. living in an evangelical town and working in the US military. i've had plenty of experience with hardcore religious folk, and they arent willing to hear or think about their beliefs being wrong. never once have i met someone who had an interest in the agnostic/athiest argument who didnt already believe it themselves
The intellectual lowest common denominator is hardly a representative sample, especially considering that many atheists were theists at one time. For example, my brother and I were raised as Christians too, but we're both atheists now. It isn't completely comparable though, because we both independently came to be atheists and are both ranked among the highest percentile rankings of intelligence (the group most likely to be self described atheists).

I also believed in Santa Claus at one time.
The font in my itunes is bigger right now for some reason and its hurting my eyes. What the fuck, seriously...
Stop fucking up my thread, people.

I work nights full time and I hate it. I get up at 1 pm, go to work at 3 pm, get home at 11:30 or midnight, and go to bed at 3 am -ish. This really fucks things up because I still live at home; for example, I haven't even seen my mother in almost a week.

Also, I hate old Russian people. They don't speak English and they refuse to make any sort of gesture, so they just stand there while I try to figure out what the fuck they want. They also pay in all change way to much.
Stop fucking up my thread, people.

I work nights full time and I hate it. I get up at 1 pm, go to work at 3 pm, get home at 11:30 or midnight, and go to bed at 3 am -ish. This really fucks things up because I still live at home; for example, I haven't even seen my mother in almost a week.

Also, I hate old Russian people. They don't speak English and they refuse to make any sort of gesture, so they just stand there while I try to figure out what the fuck they want. They also pay in all change way to much.

And you'd rather have this than going to college.