The Whining and Bitching Thread

Wow you people become more open-minded by the minute.

I can't wait for a tragedy to befall one of you, and we'll see how well your coping mechanism works :)

If you need to use blind faith in hocus-pocus airy-fairy bullshit to cope with a tragedy, it says a lot more about the weakness of your character than it does about the open-mindedness of those who choose to live in the real world.
If you need to use blind faith in hocus-pocus airy-fairy bullshit to cope with a tragedy, it says a lot more about the weakness of your character than it does about the open-mindedness of those who choose to live in the real world.

According to YOU, and based on YOUR opinion. I could say exactly the same about your views on these things, but quite clearly, I haven't bothered. I don't feel the need to comment on that.

You don't see me condemning you guys for your beliefs in this thread. My beliefs work for me, and help me in my life, as I'm sure your own do for you.
According to YOU, and based on YOUR opinion. I could say exactly the same about your views on these things, but quite clearly, I haven't bothered. I don't feel the need to comment on that.

No shit, and so what?

You don't see me condemning you guys for your beliefs in this thread. My beliefs work for me, and help me in my life, as I'm sure your own do for you.

Then why say this:

I can't wait for a tragedy to befall one of you, and we'll see how well your coping mechanism works :)

Fucking typical passive-aggressive hypocritical hippie cunt.
Fagster, are you fucking serious? Your post is the most hilarious thing I've read in a long time.

Crystals, Dream catchers, and spirituality? :lol:

thanks for the laugh you gullible faggot.
What the fuck are you doing on this forum anyway? GTFOOGMD!

For the Ozzman's problem and similar shit to that.
What you ppl really need to do for improving your sucking life is to stop being sorry for your dumb selves! Literally - stop whining. Trust me, girls, there are lots of ppl who live much worse than you and they try to be happy. I would understand it if you were a cripple, homeless, mortally ill or something... but when you are alive, able to think and move - for fucks sake - shut the fuck up and do something about your stupid problems. If you are too lazy or pesimistic about it - then just keep on rotting in your own shit. And don't bother to cry to ppl who are more successful than you. Just remember that there are ones who live much better than you, not necessary they are luckies, most of them are just stronger and wiser than you.
If it's a system that you get the wrong girls all the time, get the wrong job, or get into the same stupid situation - then maybe it's a sign that you have to think about it and change something? Firstly - change it about yourself. That's it.
As for what Hubster said about spiritual things - I somewhat agree with him. You mightlaugh as much as you want, but your ignorance won't make you wait. Living a life of "piece of meat" that only is worried about getting a new ipod\car\house, fucking a chick or eating at McDonalds isn't that awesome imo, but as life shows - many of ppl don't mind. So good luck. Keep living in self-destruction.
I agree with Hubster on one premise: if you don't believe what someone else believes then good for you. Trying to insult them for what they believe in is stupid, and if you think it's cool or you are justified in your attacks, then you are stupid.

Zeph, it wasn't that long ago that you were a Catholic right? I'm sure if someone was insulting you personally because of whatever you believed in, regardless of how crazy it may sound, I'm sure you'd be pissed.

I have nothing against anyone here who was attacking Hubster, even though swizzlenuts comment was totally uncalled for. But seriously, let's drop the self-righteous acts and let him think what he wants. You're not better than he just because you believe something different no matter how much shit you throw.
When you're not feelin too cheerful it's probably time to get a cheap flight to somewhere shit and sunny and fuck off to some hotel, and go out and get sun stroke and sit next to some bitch who wouldn't give you the time of day back home and drink nicked wine with her. Then have unprotected sex behind the telifonica movistar sign.
haha, I'm going to Florida with my dad next week so hopefully that helps my mental and emotional state. I'm going to see a dietician and do a sleep study when I get back from my trip
GL man. I hope it works out. Get out of that black hole, any way you can, as long as it's up. :)

Neurotica and King Drunkard: thanks both.

Yeah, I know I'm a fucked up hippy. Sorry, but I like it and I'm sure not going to hide it. I've tried the trip that the majority of you are on, and I found it totally empty, shallow and disconnected. Not my gig.
I've tried the trip that the majority of you are on, and I found it totally empty, shallow and disconnected. Not my gig.

And what would that be? You seem to be full of knowledge so I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong. How should I live life to the fullest? I sure as hell don't want to keep my empty, shallow and disconnected way going.
disconnected from average society? perfect, sign me up

anyways, im fucking tired. and i hate the computer nuts here. i kid you not, some schmuck came back into our office and said our monitors were too close together, and our cableing from one unclass computer to another needed to be 5 cm apart... are you fucking serious? you get paid to do this shit?
I think it's important to point out when certain beliefs can be dangerous, both to others and to the self, such as beliefs based on unfounded superstition. When something goes wrong and the beliefs to which they turn don't hold up, these people tend to fall harder than those who have no beliefs because they were expecting to be 'saved.' So while it may 'work' while everything is going relatively okay, there's always the potential of actually making things worse in the long run, which is always my worry when people express superstitious beliefs.
Lack of conviction in any position will lead to a hard fall in rough times. The worst position is where your belief system is completely hinged upon it's ability to provide everything you think you should have on a regular basis.
This describes most people, "superstitious" or otherwise.
I wonder if you shove one of these crystals up your ass, whether it will remove any hemorrhoids and/or trapped poo.
Seriously, anyone who believes in the power of crystals and dream catchers needs to be ridiculed. They are pre-scientific ideas that make people have something they feel they can lean on. Why not just face the way reality works?

Where are the double blinded studies concluding there is something special in either of them? There isn't any because they do not work. The are used by kooks, frauds, and true believers. No I will not sit by and let people believe in this nonsense because beliefs inform actions. These actions can possibly hurt people in situation where they cannot think clearly ( like dying of cancer).

EDIT: the ad hominen attacks were probably unnecessary, but it's the internet, so I don't care.