The Whining and Bitching Thread

To be honest, in this case of america, and it's humongous charges for learning, I can't blame him trying to make some money.

My tution fees are £1,200 for the whole year. And that is being covered by a loan from the government which I will be required to slowly pay back, only once I've left uni, and a have a decently paying job (think the requirement is something like 15 grand a year, maybe more).
Swizzlenuts and Dodens' posts made me so mad that I had to channel my anger into a crystal. I was carrying the crystal around when suddenly I was mugged! Acting quickly I whipped out the crystal and fired an anger laser at the would be mugger. He was vaporized immediately. Crystals saved my life. Thanks Hubster!

I have to admit I loled very hard at this.

That's what I'm saying.

Anyway, since I opted for private school, I am currently 60k US dollars in debt. Hurrah.

Community college for my Associates, and 5 years in the Marines for the GI Bill to cover the next two years of college. No debt...for school anyway. Just a longer route to get there.
I'm not taking Latin this semester, actually. Taking three history courses, more ancient Greek, Classical Political Science and Formal Logic.
I just missed the opportunity to fuck a really horny girl who's been fondling my hair all night long, just because a friend of mine said that we should get a hotdog, and with my drunk logic I thought that it sounded good, as I was hungry. Now I'm at home and will have to jerk off to Ava Devine or something instead.
I mean she was really horny, like "accidently" touched my elbow with her breasts and all. So frustrating now.
Indeed. I feel very emo right now though, she probably has wonderful animalistic sex right now with someone who's hotter than me. I want to cry. She wasn't very hot, but those are the girls that are the horniest ones.