The Whining and Bitching Thread

Dakryn said:
I didn't go looking for a girl, I just got lucky had an awesome one sort of fall in my lap.

Same here tbh. I had one girl at school admit to liking me before the summer began... she kept dropping hints that she liked me... asked me out three times, haha. I never paid heed because I was admittedly being a fucking idiot and was too busy fruitlessly chasing after someone else.

We've been going out for two weeks now. :lol: Best decision I've made. :lol:
I feel bad for you guys. I've never done any of this. What's worked for me is long-term friendship becoming long-term something else.
According to my girlfriend, the underlying friendship is the key to sustaining the greater relationship. Then again I'm much more for that rather than the one-night stands all you people seem to prize.
My "strategy" changes every time, with varying degrees of lewdness and innocence, and none have worked yet, which leads me to believe one thing: women are individuals and like different things. There are no rules.

perhaps not being awkward would help :cool:
I agree that all women are different and its retarded to have a 'strategy'.

The one thing i have going for me is i can make women laugh.
I have found that if you have that it helps towards getting women.
My "strategy" changes every time, with varying degrees of lewdness and innocence, and none have worked yet, which leads me to believe one thing: women are individuals
Stupidest thing I've ever heard :p
The one thing i have going for me is i can make women laugh.
I have found that if you have that it helps towards getting women.
It depends on whether they're laughing at you or with you, actually.
It depends on whether they're laughing at you or with you, actually.

I don't have a strategy. Emo chicks that want to give their entire existence to me keep flocking to me. FUCK OFF.
Youtube users are fucking shit. I'm tired of clicking on clips of shows I want to see, to then only be bombarded with user opinions throughout the audio off said clip, some sort of visual alteration to include video of said vapid cunt, or some really REALLY shitty music placed over what should be an awesome scene.

Go fuck yourselves youtubers
According to my girlfriend, the underlying friendship is the key to sustaining the greater relationship. Then again I'm much more for that rather than the one-night stands all you people seem to prize.

One night stands all the time are just destructive behavioral traits. A one-night stand once in a while is okay because you need to get your dick wet once in a while.

Myself? I normally don't really do anything regarding chasing women because it's not worth the effort usually. Plenty of girls have said I'm attractive, but I just don't give a shit, like, ever.