The Whining and Bitching Thread

Face is sore and semi swollen after having bone added to my jaw for a tooth implant. Sort of funny though, if i smile only one half of my face moves.
So the weekend I pick to take my travel trailer on it's maiden voyage also corresponded with the worst flash flooding of the year. Everything is muddy and we spent several hours just waiting for roads to clear etc etc.
Going to be hell to cleanup the outside. On the + side though, everything in the trailer worked, and I even took it through like 50 yards of moving water about a foot deep with no problem.
Bored as shit with waiting for tours, albums, games, and crap that I've ordered to arrive.
Knocked over my beer on my carpet..TWICE! WTF the second time I actually said out loud: "Really?"
I'm fucking pissed. Even though I'm not a student anymore, I went to the high school today to hang out with the girlfriend... walked by the principal all day. He waits until the very END of the day to pull me aside and tell me that I'm not allowed to come to the school.

I told him I was coming tomorrow to register myself, since A) I wanted to retake a couple courses before college, and B) I want to be there for the g/f tbh... silly reason I know, but it's one nonetheless. He basically told me "You've graduated, gtfo"

Fucking big dirty chicken strip bastard needs to take the nearest bus to Fuckoffityvile Ranch.
Some stupid bitch who's the head of prisons in this country banned this charity tie pin thing that a lot of the prison officers in this region wear that has the England (not the union flag) flag.

Anyway she said it could be interpreted as racist. Well guess what bitch no one cares what you think, and if you don't believe in patriotism then don't you believe in nations with central governments? In that case I think the tax payers would like your no doubt very large salary back, and I also think you should personally pay the amount that the charity would have made if every prison officer bought a pin to them.

I really fucking hate bitches like her. They just come up with worthless shitty little schemes that are always to do with race or gender but always in a retarded trivial way like that. No wonder we haven't had a woman prime minister since Thatcher. I mean whatever anyone says about her at least she had other things going on in her brain other than THAT'S RACIST TUT TUT TUT or THAT'S SEXIST TUT TUT TUT.

fucking cows.


see she even looks like a fucking stupid cow that would make tutting noises and suck in her cheeks at things she disapproved off.