The Whining and Bitching Thread

I'm not bummed at all because I'll be doing Aikido for about two hours per day tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday! :cool:

I also just learned that there are Hapkido classes available in Cobleskill and Fulton and a Bujinkan (modern Ninjutsu) dojo in Fulton, which is awesome because I live in Cooperstown (near Cobleskill) and often visit my former college town, Oswego (near Fulton).

Not long before that, I learned that there are two Aikido dojos, each about 45 miles from my house, in different directions.

I'm also not bummed about my job search, because the hospital at which I've applied for seven jobs just updated their reference check criteria and suddenly I'm an elligible candidate instead of an unfavorable one.

Maybe UM needs a non-bitching thread.
I'm not bummed because I only have two homework assignments tonight which I will procrastinate then do and then stay up for 2+ hours on the phone with my gf before sleeping.
The Mets are terrible...again :(

We should have fucking won the World Series in 06. Fucking Cardinals win with an 83-79 record...
I'm bitching that my girlfriend has her phone off and may or may not be asleep instead of coming over here like we planned. And this is my only free day until, well, next Friday. faaaaail.

edit: meh, her phone was her alarm and it is dead so luckily she just woke up...I'd have to slap a bitch if she slept til like 2
I can't seem to have lie ins anymore.

Sure, half 10 kinda counts as a lie in, but I used to be able to sleep until like 3 in the afternoon :(

I'm still doing that, lol

I got up early today though cause I have to call some employers. Ugh
I occasionally pop onto the uni freshers page to give answers to freshers questions, and to advertise RocSoc, and some girl from that added me.

She kept liking some of my more metal/funny statuses, occasionally commented. Added me on MSN last night and was all "Oh my god, it's sounds weird, but I'm so excited to meet you".
Then I noticed her relationship thing was "in a relationship with". I got friend zoned before I even met this bird in real life :erk:
I occasionally pop onto the uni freshers page to give answers to freshers questions, and to advertise RocSoc, and some girl from that added me.

She kept liking some of my more metal/funny statuses, occasionally commented. Added me on MSN last night and was all "Oh my god, it's sounds weird, but I'm so excited to meet you".
Then I noticed her relationship thing was "in a relationship with". I got friend zoned before I even met this bird in real life :erk:

Just because there's a goalie doesn't mean you can't score.
Nothing matters. Truly. We all will die. Shit will happen. I might go to jail soon, but who cares? I'll still die later on down the road. I might get shot tonight in my sleep. Who cares? I'll die later down the road if I don't.

Or maybe I do care, but don't wanna admit it.

Maybe being pessimistic and spiteful is just for the lulz.
Nothing matters. Truly. We all will die. Shit will happen. I might go to jail soon, but who cares? I'll still die later on down the road. I might get shot tonight in my sleep. Who cares? I'll die later down the road if I don't.

Or maybe I do care, but don't wanna admit it.

Maybe being pessimistic and spiteful is just for the lulz.

Or maybe you're just full of shit.