The Whining and Bitching Thread

Ai, seems like it.

I was pretty drunk last night to be fair, so I'm impressed I was even able to have a phone conversation. But she varied between "Finding you a girl" and "I've been facebook stalking you", "I've got a crush on you" and shit like that.
And "I met my last boyfriend on the internet".
But fuck knows.
Eugh, she sounds like the kind of girl I'd stay the fuck away from to be honest. And I'd advise you to do the same. She sounds like she's desperate for attention, probably planning to break up with her boyfriend when she goes to Uni and is setting up her next victim... One of those girls who "HAS" to be in a relationship at all times for social reasons.
She sounds like one of those girls who is always looking for a new relationship. If you get her then have fun not having fun because she may be facebook stalking another dude.
Joe we may only be internet friends but I think you're a good guy and I'm sure there will be other ladies interested in you. There's no reason for you to be emotional jerked around by a girl who is throwing you mixed signals while safely in a relationship. She gets male attention without really having anything to lose while you get nothing. I don't want to read to far into the situation based on the little information you've given us, but at the same time this is pretty common situation. My advice would be to look elsewhere and don't get too emotionally invested in this girl.
My Mac encountered it's first issue today. Nothing drastic, but irritating. Spotlight (the internal search engine) is not finding some applications, but they are there. Time Machine (back-ups program) completely failed on me. I'm slightly annoyed. I know machines can't be perfect, but this seems a little off.
Just to update my creepy lady situation.
Phone ran out of battery, it's not like I was expecting anything, left it off.
Charged it this morning. Text off her saying "Hey you, when you coming online?". Followed by a missed call, at 1am :erk:
Followed by "Oh, ignoring me now? :("
I possibly shouldn't have given her my number.
Just to update my creepy lady situation.
Phone ran out of battery, it's not like I was expecting anything, left it off.
Charged it this morning. Text off her saying "Hey you, when you coming online?". Followed by a missed call, at 1am :erk:
Followed by "Oh, ignoring me now? :("
I possibly shouldn't have given her my number.

Women need to understand that when your call goes straight to voicemail, it means the phone is turned off!

Where's the education these days
Probably doesn't help my voicemail is "Hey, this is Joe. I either can't get to the phone right now, or I'm screening your calls. Start getting paranoid after the beep".
Apparently it actually worked on a few of my mates :lol: