The Whining and Bitching Thread

I swear, if the fucking cleaners here move my fucking guitar again I'll fucking punch one of them next time I see them. I don't mind them moving other stuff to clean, but my guitar is off-limits.

Stupid bitches.
I'm getting really tired of shit breaking and/or going horribly wrong and costing lots of money. Especially since I'm trying to save some cash to go overseas with. Every week there's some fucking disaster that I have to spend half my pay on.

Tonight the television died.

One year in the dorm to make friends. Three years on your own to party :headbang:. I'm getting an apartment next year with three friends and I'm really looking forward to it.

Awesome. Good times, fo sho. :cool:

I live in an apartment with three friends right now. It's way better than campus. Except we have this security guard who is the most insane little fucker ever. He gets pissed if we have some friends over and we go out on the balcony. He always tells us to "take it inside!" He claims that if one of us falls off, then the apartment's liable. That could be true; but we're not gonna fucking fall off the balcony with a chest-high railing.

Oh yeah, and another thing; there are no instruments allowed at my apartment complex. Apparently you aren't supposed to play music... ever. The rule's in the lease, but it must not be upheld very strictly. I hear music all the time, and most of the time it's from my room. :cool:

Famous last words:
Socrates said:
I drank what?!
I was watching football, but i was very tired, so i went to bed to sleep. Then i started dreaming about a girl in my school, basically she's "Talloune"'s sister, her name is "Maria". So i was dreaming about her, then i suddenly woke up, and i was fuckin furious, and told myself to sleep again, maybe i will dream about her again, but then i thought it was impossible, so i got out of the bed, and now i am here continuing to watch the game, but im very angry.
So tomorrow is ruined. I'm one of the only guys out of a year group of about 40 who supports Chelsea over ManU. The atmosphere of smug glory-supporterism is going to be unbearable.
I was watching football, but i was very tired, so i went to bed to sleep. Then i started dreaming about a girl in my school, basically she's "Talloune"'s sister, her name is "Maria". So i was dreaming about her, then i suddenly woke up, and i was fuckin furious, and told myself to sleep again, maybe i will dream about her again, but then i thought it was impossible, so i got out of the bed, and now i am here continuing to watch the game, but im very angry.

Imagine how much better you life would be if this girl never existed.
Awesome. Good times, fo sho. :cool:

I live in an apartment with three friends right now. It's way better than campus. Except we have this security guard who is the most insane little fucker ever. He gets pissed if we have some friends over and we go out on the balcony. He always tells us to "take it inside!" He claims that if one of us falls off, then the apartment's liable. That could be true; but we're not gonna fucking fall off the balcony with a chest-high railing.

Oh yeah, and another thing; there are no instruments allowed at my apartment complex. Apparently you aren't supposed to play music... ever. The rule's in the lease, but it must not be upheld very strictly. I hear music all the time, and most of the time it's from my room. :cool:
I will almost certainly be living in a house not a complex so I shouldn't have those problems. I'm very excited.
That's the way to do it man. My friends and I actually thought about getting a house, but we couldn't find one cheap enough and in close enough proximity to campus. Best o' luck with that, hope it works out!
Thanks. I'm lucky in that almost all the residential areas around campus are made up of small, dense houses which are perfect for students. There is only one big apartment tower nearby which is ominously located at 666 Spadina Ave.