The Whining and Bitching Thread

Basically told my ex-best friend, and crush from last year, to f'ckoff, over a facebook message, since she's been an evasive bitch for months to me now, refusing to even talk to me since I don't hang out with her alone anymore. Sorry I have a g/f now who I am showing respect to, bitch. Oh and she's been telling people behind my back "fuck that I don't wanna be his friend" and shit which was the last straw.

inb4 "i wanna see it lolololol". No you don't. It was full of teenage drama and angst.

Good for you. I still want to see it, but you know, respecting privacy and all that. She sounds like the kind of friend who will do nothing except drain you and make you feel shitty. Good riddance.

:lol: pretty sure i prank called auto parts store and used that back in the day, signal fluid haha

You hear a bunch in the military.

Boots(newbs) get asked to check signal fluid, get radar paint, find 100ft of flight line, go up to a SNCO and ask for a Prick E-(whatever rank). Sounds similar to the tech terms for some of our radios. (PRC-117 etc).

hahahaaa good times

My brother pulled that shit on my girlfriend one time and got her pretty good. She's still a bit sour anytime I bring it up.
NO. You'll clog up the nozzles with shit ink. Just check online for the price of your printers ink and then see if there is a bestbuy or walmart near you and see if they'll price match.

Well, I went to Walgreens last night WAIF and their ink refills are 15.99 (where I am), but I wanted to see how much new ink will cost and they didn't have my ink there. So, I went to Walmart afterwards and for my black ink it was 27.99 and for my colored it would been 32.99 and I didn't want to call up BestBuy or go there because I am sure they would been more. I have not got ink yet. But, ink refills will really just clog it up?
No. They work. We test the cartridges we refill; if they don't work, we don't charge. I don't actually give a shit if you go to Walgreens or not, but that does seem like the cheapest option. If you do that, tell them when they get to the coupon screen to punch in 6061, which is the coupon code we use to give customers $3 off. It may or may not work there, but if it works, think how badass you'll look.
I tell people to go to Staples sometimes, but only if we don't cover their cartridge or it fails the print test (which it often does if it's color cuz our Ink-O-Dem is shitty).
No. They work. We test the cartridges we refill; if they don't work, we don't charge. I don't actually give a shit if you go to Walgreens or not, but that does seem like the cheapest option. If you do that, tell them when they get to the coupon screen to punch in 6061, which is the coupon code we use to give customers $3 off. It may or may not work there, but if it works, think how badass you'll look.

I really don't care where I go either, I am just trying to find a cheap place to replace my ink so I can get some work done and turn it in. Whether it is refilling it or buying it brand new. But I am sure Walgreens is the cheapest place too. And thank you.

And V.V.V.V.V. I will try there too. I was not even thinking of Staples. Just Walgreens, BestBuy, and WalMart. I normally don't deal with the ink stuff. My mom does. But, yeah, thanks.
The ancient Chinese should've followed the Koreans example and dropped the characters and created a phonetic alphabet. The Koreans were smart, "hey, fuck learning a bunch of symbols for each word when we can generate better, faster, and higher literacy rates quickly by making a phonetic alphabet."

I'm frustrated. Every lesson we do a shitload of different sets of lines. It takes a Chinese person until about freshman year of high school to get a remotely useful amount of literacy, about the equivalent of a first grader with an alphabet like the Roman, Arabic, Nagari, Cyrillic, etc.

Devasya Chāyā;8922194 said:
I'm frustrated. Every lesson we do a shitload of different sets of lines. It takes a Chinese person until about freshman year of high school to get a remotely useful amount of literacy, about the equivalent of a first grader with an alphabet like the Roman, Arabic, Nagari, Cyrillic, etc.



No. They work. We test the cartridges we refill; if they don't work, we don't charge.

Of course the ink will "work", but I am talking about the damage that can be done to a printer over an extended period of time with low grade ink!

Good for you. I still want to see it, but you know, respecting privacy and all that. She sounds like the kind of friend who will do nothing except drain you and make you feel shitty. Good riddance.

Oh it has nothing to do with privacy, it's just angsty/dramatic as fuck. :lol:

me on FB said:
Frankly I don't care whether or not you wanna discuss this, I've heard things and I wanna know the truth. If you have any respect for me at all, you'll tell me the truth.

I dunno, I've just heard from various people (since you haven't even done me the courtesy of telling me, I don't feel the need to say who) that you've been saying behind our backs that me and you, are not friends.

Now it is your choice, as stupid as the choice may be (I am of the opinion that TRUE friends stand by each other's side no matter how much they disagree or argue), but what I don't really appreciate is being led on. If you don't want to be my friend, just say so to my face please? You even told me when we last "fixed" things that I was your friend again. I have tried NUMEROUS times to be your friends again.

I mean, I'm not gonna sway your decision, I won't talk to you ever again, if that's what you want. Come to think of it, if this is true, then I don't even care anymore about trying to salvage things, I'm done, I just wanna know once and for all. Cause we used to be best friends and frankly I don't appreciate being used like that.

It's not like if we became friends again I'd be able to trust you enough to not ditch me again anyways.

Basically, me and her hung out alone ALL THE FUCKING TIME last year.

Then I got with my g/f of 7 months, and that stopped. After a few months, of me and this bitch only hanging out every once and awhile, and only with my g/f there, she eventually just shut down and stopped talking to me for some reason. I've made the effort to talk to her numerous times, and hang out but when she does come to see us she never even says two words to us. She's just... there. And even when I do initiate conversation it was always one-word responses and then she'd walk off or sign out.

I only found out Monday that she said she did not consider us friends anymore. Frankly I don't give a shit.
I love drawing my avatar for my asian friends, because some of them get it right away and share a laugh with me, and some of them stare at it for a moment before concluding that it must be from another nation's alphabet

The part on the right looks kind of like the character ke. 可