The Whining and Bitching Thread

I'm kind of on edge with one of my managers at the moment. Normally a really cool guy but he has this "Make An Example Out Of People" complex where whenever I do something wrong or forget to do something he calls me out in front of other people.

A few months back he asked me to change the outside trash and I went to get someone to help me because it was disgusting and overflowing, then went to ask him if I could have his keys so I could unlock the shipping door so we could wheel the garbage around the back and I'd open it and we could drop it in the compactor. He was helping a customer so he told me to wait a minute so I went outside to get the bags out of the can and then sat around to wait for him. It was about 5 minutes and then he comes out angry and takes me back to photo along with the guy I called over to help me out and starts to yell at me IN FRONT OF A CUSTOMER because I was outside doing nothing for 15 minutes (I was only out there for 5) ... :| I'm sorry, but you don't do that.

Then just the other day he told me if I had all my facing done I could go home at 9 since I had to work the next morning, and he tells me just to double check the cooler facing and then I can go.

So I run through it quickly and then punch out - then ask him to let me out and he said one second, I go "Uh I'm already punched out. You said after I double check it..." and he said "I never told you to punch out. Follow me." He then proceeds to point out and force me to fix the maybe like 3 improperly placed products where they belong and is deriding me the entire time in front of two other employees.

Fucken does it with other employees too and I'm getting very fucking sick of it. As long as I'm flawless at work its okay, but the first mistake I make and public spectacle.
what does DT stand for?
DivineTorture. Dude said his girl left him and took the kid, mentioned that he might kill himself, and then disappeared. Freaked us all out. He's resurfaced a couple times since then, and we know he's doing alright, but he hasn't come back for good.

Or I can do whatever I want because I live in America.
No, you live in the United States of Obamahitler. The government mandates that you share your relationship troubles.
I'm fucking annoyed with my counsellor/agent. I got a mail from Boston University that I got accepted and all that crap but I also noticed that they don't fucking offer financial aid for international students. I'm annoyed because I trusted someone else with something important like this and I didn't notice it before I applied. What a waste of money :(
Ah, I don't really like that one at all :lol:

I really enjoy Der Funzenjharige Krieg (however its spelled), the split with GBK and Sigrblot, and Blutgericht. Check them out if you haven't yet.

I find much of their post-FL material to be rather boneheaded. I mean, FL isn't exactly cerebral, but it does have a weird kind of charm and some atmosphere. The later stuff seems to me to have little appeal outside the thuggish racist demographic. Well, I guess I can dig some of the later stuff.
Ah, I don't really like that one at all :lol:

I really enjoy Der Funzenjharige Krieg (however its spelled), the split with GBK and Sigrblot, and Blutgericht. Check them out if you haven't yet.

I've actually never bothered with any Absurd beyond Facta, which is one of my favorite black metal releases. I need to expand my Absurd horizon I guess.
I really hate how my neighbor's son is playing cornhole with his drunk friends while me and my sister are trying to tan. They keep throwing the bag over the fence and hollering like monkies. I hope I get super sun burned so I don't have to go outside for the rest of the week.
I'm fucking annoyed with my counsellor/agent. I got a mail from Boston University that I got accepted and all that crap but I also noticed that they don't fucking offer financial aid for international students. I'm annoyed because I trusted someone else with something important like this and I didn't notice it before I applied. What a waste of money :(

Damn that sucks. Never underestimate the incompetence of people whose job is to help you, haha. So will you have other schools to choose from?
Ananth that sucks. And I agree with Grant about living under a dictatorship and all that. If someone is that bad that they send you to the mental ward or require therapy, perhaps it isn't worth sacrificing your sanity for some replaceable person.

As for my own whining and bitching, it's trivial as hell but I forgot I had to be at work 30 minutes early today.
First thing's first, as this is the thing that affects financial aid nationwide: Age & Tax status (dependent/independent/married/single etc.)

I practically forgot about that when filling out FAFSA and so on, but its to late for this year seeing as my dad claimed me as a dependent. In the next year however, that would definitely change things, thanks for the reminder!

I find much of their post-FL material to be rather boneheaded. I mean, FL isn't exactly cerebral, but it does have a weird kind of charm and some atmosphere. The later stuff seems to me to have little appeal outside the thuggish racist demographic. Well, I guess I can dig some of the later stuff.

I never really found it to appeal to a thuggish demographic, but I guess given that it is somewhat RAC sounding that seems true. Either way, if you haven't checked out the albums you mentioned, give 'em a shot.

I've actually never bothered with any Absurd beyond Facta, which is one of my favorite black metal releases. I need to expand my Absurd horizon I guess.

Listen to Der Funzenjahrige Krieg first, and if you like it, go onto the GBK/Sigrblot split, and then Butgericht.