The Whining and Bitching Thread

It couldn't have been done without BMWG's shining example of what we all aspire to be as human beings. May he forever be a beacon of hope to us and our posterity.
I work in a 5 star hotel bar. A few weeks ago, I had a customer come in and be an absolute prick to me infront of other customers. When he was about to leave, the conversation went like this:

Me: *muttered under breath, loud enough for him to hear* Fuckin' idiot
Me: You heard me asshole, I called you a fucking idiot.
*Other customers snicker*
Me: Go for it, she's right here. I don't care.

He started swearing at my supervisor and called her incompetent and was being really racist to her (she's Thai). Either way, I thought I was going to get fired for swearing at a customer but I didn't. Turns out that this dude was staying in the hotel for the next 10 days. He came in another time at a later date and I was working, he saw me, ordered a drink quietly with his head bowed down as I stared dead straight at his eyes. He just avoided my gaze, charged the drink to his room and even tipped me and went elsewhere to consume it.

Yo my e-crush on you has just exploded out of control, calm down tiger. I'd go to that bar and throw money at you until you told me to fuck off and go home and never come back.

How has no one had anything to whine/bitch about for over a week? I'll kick it off, sorry for being an annoying thread bumper btw.

As always it's raining and I want to leave work but I will have to get my feet wet. Today I chose to wear flimsy shoes with knee socks so I am guaranteed wet socks and shoes. FUCK
Yo my e-crush on you has just exploded out of control, calm down tiger. I'd go to that bar and throw money at you until you told me to fuck off and go home and never come back.

How has no one had anything to whine/bitch about for over a week? I'll kick it off, sorry for being an annoying thread bumper btw.

As always it's raining and I want to leave work but I will have to get my feet wet. Today I chose to wear flimsy shoes with knee socks so I am guaranteed wet socks and shoes. FUCK

Haha, you make me blush. I probably won't tell you to fuck off if you did that, don't think I'll ever get that much attention working at a bar. I'd probably blush and act like a 13 year old kid and hide in the backroom. Okay, maybe not, I'll just give you drinks and get you completely wasted. :cool:

Just yesterday, there was a freak storm in Perth. I gave my flip flops and bag to my girlfriend and my friend and ran about a kilometer under shit-heavy rain to grab my car to pick them up.
I was completely drenched. When we got back home, there was no power in the house and it was only restored late in the afternoon today. That's something to whine about... I had to take a shit in the dark, that sucked.
Haha dude what are you talking about, bartenders get hit on CONSTANTLY! It's like the number one getting hit on at work job.

You're such a gentleman!!!

Re: pooping in blackness - how do you tell when you're done wiping in the dark? that's gotta be TERRIBLE
pssshhh those are for pansies, the real deal requires neither, just use blood and spit!

more whining and bitching: I want to be anywhere but here today. It hasn't stopped raining and I can't smell anything due to The Hayfever and I overslept and couldn't shower so I probably smell terrible but don't know it.
pssshhh those are for pansies, the real deal requires neither, just use blood and spit!

more whining and bitching: I want to be anywhere but here today. It hasn't stopped raining and I can't smell anything due to The Hayfever and I overslept and couldn't shower so I probably smell terrible but don't know it.

I guess I could roll with blood and spit...


On a whining and bitching note:

The till systems through out the hotel I work at was utterly fucked up from the storm on Monday, so to make it easier on us(yeah right!), we weren't allowed to take room charges, only cash and credit. Of course this chased a few people away and made them pissed off, which I didn't really care about. But majority of people have lots of cash and credit cards to use so meh. Everything had to be calculated by hand, drink prices had to be memorized and the only credit card machine that worked was out in the lobby so it was fucking annoying to have to run to the lobby to use the machine, run back into the bar and get it signed. Now that wasn't the worst part about it.

When we were about to close up the bar, a group of about 30 people came in from a function that finished down the road, so we had to stay open. And because of this, a massive group from the concert hall right next door came in as well and here we went again being busy as all hell, having to do the same procedure with the credit card and manually handling the cash. When we finally got to close, people still tried to come in and order drinks. I politely told them to fuck off. After cleaning was done, the hotel duty manager said the till system was up and running and we had to manually enter ALL the credit card bills and cash bills into the system, all few hundred of them, that took long enough. Here I am, back at home tired at 2.30am and I have a class at 8am. Fuck, I should get off the internet and sleep.
Where else did you apply/where have you gotten in/not gotten in/expect to get in/most want to go?

I applied to UNLV, UC Riverside, UC Irvine and UC San Diego, got into the first two, waitlisted @ Irvine and didn't get in at SD.

If I do go to UNLV, theres a good chance my dad will move out here and then I won't have to worry about rent and housing, and also with the scholarships I'm supposed to get, I'd only have to pay about $500 a month, which is pretty damn great.

Still waiting to hear from UC Riverside about financial aid and all that, but I don't think it'll be very good since my dad made $79,000 last year, yet he's really in debt and pretty much lives paycheck to paycheck to paycheck. I'll see what happens though.

My gf (who got into all the schools that I listed) would much rather go to California/UCR and shes going to get a crapload of financial aid, but I don't think I'll get much.
I'm getting sick of coughing every fucking minute.

I'm also getting sick of getting a fucking nose bleed everyday just because I lightly touched it.

Fuck this shit.