The Whining and Bitching Thread

So, this morning I woke up, and my wife and I got in the most ridiculously idiotic argument about sharing the bathroom. After bickering in circles for an hour, we make up and decide to make our day better by taking the kids to a local park. We get there and see that a walking trail circles the lake and decide "Hey, let's walk all the way around the lake!". There's idiot moment #2: we didn't realize that this trail is 6 FUCKING MILES LONG! I had to carry my 35 pound hyperactive 3 year old daughter on my shoulders most of the way. As a matter of fact, the wife and kids couldn't make it all the way around, so we decide that I should jump on my 10 year old son's bike, run over to the car quick and come back. Idiot moment #3: when you're too big for a bike, it's fucking hard to ride. I reach our car exhausted, open the hatchback, dropping the keys in as I do so. Thinking, "Fuck it, I'll pick them up after I get this bike in here." Guess what I forgot? Right! Idiot moment #4: locking the keys in the car. FUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKK!!!! On top of all this, I think I have a 3rd degree sunburn. Needless to say, we are extremely fortunate to have good friends who can come take our kids, give them some food and water, and float us a small loan until payday for the locksmith.

:lol: :lol:
We could've skyped, woulda made my night a whole lot more interesting. o_0

I'm "meelynn" on Skype, friend me.

OK gents, help me out here?

I have a friend at home who has one-sided feelings for me and recently he has been really unstable and getting addicted to stuff and generally hating life and making bad choices. His fiancee left him and they have a 3 year old. He mailed me and asked me to call because we hadn't talked in a while so I did. He was high as a kite and got really paranoid and pissy about absolutely nothing and I ended up hanging up on him. A few tense mails later he breaks out the "GODDAMMIT KRAMPUS I'VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU SINCE THE DAY WE MET BLAH BLAH ONE DAY WE WILL BE TOGETHER" (still high, I imagine, but I know these are his actual feelings).

At this point it's more work than fun to be his friend, and I really don't feel like dealing with someone trying to make me feel guilty about nothing. I don't actually feel guilty at all, just annoyed. I don't really want to deal with him - if he needs a therapist he can pay for one. While I sometimes like hanging out with him, I don't really CARE about his issues enough to want to help pull him out of his rut.

Try putting yourself in this guy's shoes. What could a girl do that would be blunt and clear enough to get you to fuck off and stop liking her? I don't really care about our "friendship" as he is kind of a burden, but it is walking on eggshells because his brother is my best friend and they live together.
he works at a PHARMACIZZLE (why is the real word blocked?!) in a grocery store.

i suppose the whole blowup is my fault for saying "wow that's pretty sad" when he mentioned how he smokes weed every day...BARF
Just ignore him or something. Tell him you're busy whenever he tries to call. Block his number/e-mail. Put a lump of coal in his stocking for Christmas.
If he just smoked weed every day to chill out or whatever that's fine, but I have a huge problem with alcoholics and pill-poppers all the time, especially when they are spending their limited funds on that shit instead of ensuring their CHILDREN are ok.

And I HATE children.
Oh, if it's like that, then I would have to agree. Also, I'm sure you don't totally hate kids, being as you're a teacher and all. Shit, I'm a father, and most kids get on my last nerve, but when you think about it, kids and adults have much more in common than not.