The Whining and Bitching Thread

Keep wasting half my fucking day talking to people on the internet when I should be studying. Aaaaaaaa

You waste half your day, I lose sleep, everybody fucking loses.

Whining and bitching - I am SO CONSTIPATED. I can feel it poisoning me from inside and everything hurts. On the bright side, I am still shrinking - despite not having had a shit since Saturday, the scale and my pants (trousers?) tell me I am losing weight. sweet.
OK Fatty Magnet.

What you need to do is post a cutoff dress size on your profile, and leave some line implying that you are not interested in hambeasts. It must be hard being a metal dude on a dating site, as metalheads are on par with nerds when it comes to settling for landwhale armcandy.
I seem to mostly attract really fucking crazy bitches and fat chicks, so I've naturally decided that it is much better to put up with nutters than it is fatties.
I'm really hating that my brother keeps getting calmine lotion everywhere and I have to clean it up because the poison ivy in his eyes are making him helpless. So lame.
Can I please have some for my fucking mosquito bites please? It's really not cool that sitting in an office yields such puffy and itchy results
You could take the whole bottle if it was possible. I am sick of cleaning it off the floor and walls. That must suck, I am sorry to hear that.
I got a pretty bad sunburn recently. lol I somehow managed to only burn one half of my leg so theres a split straight down the middle of my leg.
Nope, that is my older brother. This is my younger brother. And it is not like he is that young where he doesn't know any better. He is a year younger than me. That makes him 17 and he will be 18 in September.
I hate how my room has like no free space to store new things, so all I do is pile it up until it reaches the height of the tower of babel and crashes down someday (god's wrath huh?). When this happens I'm so pissed off that I often just throw it into another corner, which contributes to this mess. Im sitting in this mess right now, it's driving me crazy!