The Whining and Bitching Thread

I was up until god knows when o'clock in the morning doing nothing and now I am fucking exhausted and I hate Mondays. Also, a little constipated.
I honestly think I've made my mind up about never drinking again. (atleast liquor)

I drank an entire bottle of ice 101 and a half a bottle of crown royal last night.
Totally blacked out from midnight until about 3, or atleast that's about the time I started to be able to think understand things again and remember anything.

Thank god the fiance was there to babysit me (although she was the one that kept giving me alcohol) In those three hours, I apparently threw up, lost my shirt, kept referring to her as "rorrie" (her name aint rorrie)

I just cant say I like the idea of totally losing three hours of my life last night. Fuck, I could have killed someone and wouldnt have a single memory of it.
Not exactly like I meant to, once I got a little drunk it just kinda snowballed... kept getting passed shit, and apparently kept drinking it.

I didn't intend to, and if I have to keep all alcohol from my system to prevent myself from doing it again, so be it.
So I have a profile on OKCupid (a dating website) and I am constantly bombarded with fatties checking out my profile and/or messaging me. I really should put something in my profile that says FATTIES NOT WELCOME or something ffs.
You might want to try a more serious dating site, like eHarmony. One of my former roommates in the Marines got happily married from that site, and she was not a fatty.
eHarmony sucks, man. I paid the money for 3 months and nothing happened. That site is more if you're looking to get married and I'm nowhere near ready for that yet.
Or you could stop using online dating services where everyone is probably being overly shallow and just looking for the hottest person they can find. Your situation is a prime example of such.

You just need to get out more ffs.

Side note: I absolutely fucking hate it when someone says "happy memorial day." WHAT THE FUCK IS SO HAPPY ABOUT MEMORIAL DAY YOU PRICK?!
This is a fucking load of bullshit. On expedia I paid for 4 nights in this hotel I'm staying in. Thursday through Sunday with a checkout date being today, but since my flight doesn't leave until tomorrow I paid for an extra night expecting everything to be fine.

I am woken up today by a knocking on my door saying I was supposed to check out today ...

So there is this big issue downstairs where I had to bring down the laptop to show them that I paid originally for 4 nights, but the people were swearing up and down I only paid for 3 via expedia (hello assholes, screen says 4 nights) and the guy has the balls to say I have to call Expedia to sort this out? Bullfuckingshit. This is on your asses.

Thankfully then the manager came down at that time so I didn't have to bitch to get fucking "Yeswant Patel" to come down and sort it out. I show her the room reservation I had on expedia, and she told me that they were going to look into it and that I could just return to my room. Then about 10 minutes later I receive a call saying, "Oh I'm sorry sir, we found the problem, it was a systematic error - your night is approved."

Ugh, fucking no it wasn't a systematic error its called your fucking employees are pieces of fucking incompetent shit.

iurahgpiasuh I fucking hate dealing with Indians when it comes to matters of money. Worse than fucking Jews and Arabs.
That's what you get for using a travel site. Find the deals on the travel sites, then go directly to the airline/hotel/etc. to book it. Very rarely are you actually saving money using the travel site, and because you bought through them, very often you're hands are tied in resolving issues directly with the airline/hotel/etc.
These college classes are confusing me. The descriptions are not making any sense. And it is super hot out. I hate today so much. Nothing is going right. I can't wait to get our central air system fixed.