The Whining and Bitching Thread

Could be because of this:


Just a guess...
Could be because of this:


Just a guess...

And why were they chasing you?...

Just for trespassing and other shenanigans, plus i was blazed so i tweaked out even more than usual. They pulled up to us behind a clinic and i ran from there. They ended up chasing me through various backyards, baseball fields, and I eventually ran through a forest preserve and got attacked by a coyote. I kicked it in the face though.

You are cool.

EDIT: No really, I like you just for that post.
I have a hard time believing the coyote part, though it is the most metal part.

Reminds me of
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I didn't know Illinois was known for coyote populations.

I remember when I was a kid I would visit my grandparents in San Diego. They lived in a wealthy golf/retirement type suburb (Rancho Bernardo) and every night we heard coyotes.
When I lived in Laguna Hills I was right next to woodsy/hillish type area area I saw a coyote about 30 feet away drinking from a stream. One came into the community area too, and ate a fish from the pond :|

Just for trespassing and other shenanigans, plus i was blazed so i tweaked out even more than usual. They pulled up to us behind a clinic and i ran from there. They ended up chasing me through various backyards, baseball fields, and I eventually ran through a forest preserve and got attacked by a coyote. I kicked it in the face though.


I hear coyotes quite a bit at night, but never really see them.

On another note, fucking audacity crashed on me while I was doing my radio show for my speech and drama class. I was half done also.
We were at a party, and someone there had thrown a full beer can at the two truck that was taking away the illegally parked cars. We tried to split before the cops showed up, but ended up getting busted trying to go through the parking lot. So they got the dogs out of their trucks and threatned/questioned us for ten minutes. Finally, one of them said "You know, we have better things to do than arrest your drunk asses. People are getting murdered downtown and we're here dealing with this shit." So they let us go.

My one friend absolutely freaked out about it though. He was on the verge of tears and kept saying "I can't get arrested, I can't fucking get arrested." My full attention was on the dogs, and I was just thinking 'Fuck getting arrested, we're gonna fucking die!'
Yeah, you do not want to run from K-9 units. Those things are trained to take you down. I was fortunate to not have those set on me during my incident although the Coyote I encountered was pretty terrifying.
Thanks to some fucking my pals in my building with a Dodge Neon, I couldn't sleep for two hours because his fucking car horn wouldn't stop. I think it was done purposely too.
Car horn? Was he in his car all night punding on it? That must of sucked. My next door neighbor and the couple that lives aross the street from me just play really loud and ghetto music. I think they have a war between eachother.

Anyways, my retainer sucks and it is lost. If I cannot find it, I have to pay $300.00 for a new one. The search is on.
No, I think it was a remote horn controller of some sort.

I have no clue, but if it happens again tomorrow morning I might be pounding on doors at 6:30 in the morning