The Whining and Bitching Thread

If your gmail is linked through your Outlook then you should be receiving all of those emails in your gmail inbox as well so you shouldn't lose anything.

Yeah I am, but I'm wondering if all the old emails in my Outlook inbox will disappear if I reinstall it. There were emails in there from back in the days of the 28kbps dial up modem, which I enjoyed perusing on occasion to reminisce about my days as a young man with hopes and dreams.
Doubtful, as they're probably stored server-side...? I am not sure how e-mail clients work though so I probably shouldn't be talking about them.
Yeah I am, but I'm wondering if all the old emails in my Outlook inbox will disappear if I reinstall it. There were emails in there from back in the days of the 28kbps dial up modem, which I enjoyed perusing on occasion to reminisce about my days as a young man with hopes and dreams.

I don't use outlook but I'm sure there is some folder that contains all of your email message files. If this is the case, you could save it all, uninstall/reinstall Outlook, then place it back into the program files for Outlook.
I don't use outlook but I'm sure there is some folder that contains all of your email message files. If this is the case, you could save it all, uninstall/reinstall Outlook, then place it back into the program files for Outlook.

Cheers, I'll have a look.
This was cross posted on another forum I'm on:

My new job has so far been alright. I'm in a non-stressful position now though and still kinda green since it's only been about a month. I'm sure if I'm there as long as some others then I will begin to hate it. I don't plan on being there more than a year though.

The only thing I have to bitch about is this:

One of the team leaders (basically an assistant supervisor, but with fewer responsibilities) is leaving. Now, he decided this before even having an interview, not after having been offered a position. This leads me to believe that he is somehow weasling his way upstairs (probably by kissing someone's ass). I asked him what would happen if he didn't get the job and his response was that he 'doesn't think that way'. However, WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T YOU THINK THAT WAY IF YOU'RE BASICALLY OUT OF A JOB IF YOU DON'T GET THIS POSITION?! Anyway, his first interview was over 2 hours and he got a second interview, so that is a good sign for him.

Anyway, the person they got to replace him was my old team leader in the mail room and has ZERO experience working in my department (which leads me to believe he has kissed some major ass since before I got there). This position has been offered to others, but they have turned it down due to the stress level that occurs with this position. If I wasn't so green, I would have offered to take it.

A fellow colleague of mine and I joke about how this guy doesn't know what he's getting himself into by taking this position. He can barely train the mail clerks to sort mail correctly (though I think they just don't give a shit, which really pisses me off), let alone be able to lead people in a high volume area of the organization. Not to mention that the other team leader knows how to do everything on the life insurance side of the department (and it made sense to promote her because of that) and no one is going to go to this guy for help because he's going to send them to others because of his lack of knowledge.

Moral of the story: Kissing ass gets you everywhere and hard work gets you nowhere. It's a shame I don't believe in kissing ass, so I guess I am stuck being a grunt.