The Whining and Bitching Thread

no, there's no point in stressing him out over a stupid mistake. it's not like I kissed back, and I talked it over with my friend a little while ago and he apologized and it's fine now.
no, there's no point in stressing him out over a stupid mistake. it's not like I kissed back, and I talked it over with my friend a little while ago and he apologized and it's fine now.

Well, I'll tell you right now, if I were your boyfriend and I somehow found out about this later on down the round via third party, you can expect there would be hell to pay.

I personally wouldn't want my girlfriend out partying with a bunch of "guy friends" in the first place. I've never met a chick who has "guy friends" that their "friends" didn't want to fuck the shit out of her unless she was really ugly and fat or something. It's pretty amazing to me how naive women are when it comes to the relationships between men and women. Unless the guy is either gay or has an extreme amount of self-control, he's probably going to want to nail his female friend (assuming she's hot). That's just the way it is.

So if I were your boyfriend, I'd be questioning your actions regardless of who is technically at fault. Having said that, it may seem like I'm coming down on you to try and make you feel guilty, which I'm not. But at the same time, you really shouldn't be putting yourself into situations like this, in my opinion.

Either way, the culprit is a major sleaze bag.
I personally wouldn't want my girlfriend out partying with a bunch of "guy friends" in the first place. I've never met a chick who has "guy friends" that their "friends" didn't want to fuck the shit out of her unless she was really ugly and fat or something. It's pretty amazing to me how naive women are when it comes to the relationships between men and women. Unless the guy is either gay or has an extreme amount of self-control, he's probably going to want to nail his female friend (assuming she's hot). That's just the way it is.

So if I were your boyfriend, I'd be questioning your actions regardless of who is technically at fault. Having said that, it may seem like I'm coming down on you to try and make you feel guilty, which I'm not. But at the same time, you really shouldn't be putting yourself into situations like this, in my opinion.

Either way, the culprit is a major sleaze bag.

It takes an extreme amount of self control to not make physical advances toward a girl who has a boyfriend? Sounds like the "she was asking for it" argument pertaining to rapists. Yours is an old fashioned way of thinking and I can see where you're coming from. I agree that we're all a bunch of animals and that integrated straight male-female combat units in the military are a terrible idea, but as far as basic friendships are concerned social rules > instincts.

I'll take the risk. It was pretty much nothing and I've already all but forgotten it ever happened, even if it did ruin my weekend a little bit.

As far as relationships and rules etc we operate under the "you're gonna do what you're gonna do" mindset. I've dated possessive people before and I always cheated on them simply because they were so possessive. I could cheat easily now, but I have no desire or interest to do so.
It takes an extreme amount of self control to not make physical advances toward a girl who has a boyfriend? Sounds like the "she was asking for it" argument pertaining to rapists. Yours is an old fashioned way of thinking and I can see where you're coming from. I agree that we're all a bunch of animals and that integrated straight male-female combat units in the military are a terrible idea, but as far as basic friendships are concerned social rules > instincts.

That wasn't quite my point. I was leaning more towards horny drunk guys shouldn't be running around and sleeping in close quarters with a chick who is also drunk/passed out. I'm not saying you deserved it at all, and I'm not trying to use that "she was asking for it" argument either. All I'm saying is you put yourself in that position with a horny drunk guy apparently eying you like a hawk and who decided to act on his desires.

Regarding your last comment about social rules > instincts: ask your friend about that. Shit like what happened to you happens all the time. Clearly I'm not saying it's right, but according to what you've expressed so far, you apparently weren't aware that such a thing could happen to you and that your friends aren't the type to do something like that.

I'll take the risk. It was pretty much nothing and I've already all but forgotten it ever happened, even if it did ruin my weekend a little bit.

As far as relationships and rules etc we operate under the "you're gonna do what you're gonna do" mindset. I've dated possessive people before and I always cheated on them simply because they were so possessive. I could cheat easily now, but I have no desire or interest to do so.

k, whatever works for you.
I have a hard time believing that most friendships between a guy and a girl are ever "pure" in the mind of the guy, even if he's not exactly consciously aware of it.
This. Guys think about sex so much that by the time they've talked to any female other than their mother for more than two minutes they've thought about having sex with her an average of 3.6 times, even if she's completely hideous and they'd never actually do it. That said, my opinion is that Krampus shouldn't fucking worry about it.
Guys think about sex so much that by the time they've talked to any female other than their mother for more than two minutes they've thought about having sex with her an average of 3.6 times

I think this statement has implications that you probably didn't intend, brah. :tickled:
For once I agree with King Dick about something. Nothing excuses that dude's behavior, but girls really have got to be careful about the kinds of situations they put themselves in with guys. I have a hard time believing that most friendships between a guy and a girl are ever "pure" in the mind of the guy, even if he's not exactly consciously aware of it. I've had to bring girls back down to Earth about this sort of thing before. Don't ever idealize males or your relationships with them.

On a related note, isn't it awkward now to be fully aware that your friend is horny over you? I have had, ahem, relations with friends before, and even if you go on having a relatively normal friendship you always have this awkward thought like "Hey, remember that one time?"

Yes, it's very fucking awkward and we can never be normal friends again. It's one thing to be mutually attracted to each other but never speak of it, and another entirely to have had an incident.

Also I am not completely oblivious to the massive tensions that exist between males and females FYI (Y being everyone not just Cythraul) and I don't idealize dudes. I suppose I have been a bit naive in thinking that since I'm not that great looking/off the market/talk about Man-Purse constantly/make efforts not to be flirtatious with my own friends it would be obvious to everyone that there is no point in making moves, but yeah.

Fuck I need more girlfriends. Why aren't there more cool chicks around? My only close girlfriend in my immediate town works the complete opposite shifts to me (nights and weekends).