The Whining and Bitching Thread

We had a crazy storm come through KC today. My car said it was 109 degrees outside on my way home at 5:00 pm. Later at 8:00 pm my car said it was 73 during the storm. 36 degrees difference in 3 hours is pretty fucked.
yeah we got that around 1am. I was asleep so I dont remember much, other than a shit ton of lightning.
Something that's been bothering me lately:

I don't understand why it's so hard to find someone who has the same vision as you when it comes to composing music. I seemingly attract all of these people on complete opposite sides of the musical spectrum. Either they are completely caught up with newer metal stuff like metalcore and stuff like that, or they want to play nothing but stuff like The Goo Goo Dolls or something completely soulless.

I actually have one friend who is an extremely talented guitarist, and whom I have a lot in common as far as music influences and styles go, but he is always too busy working to even want to work together.

I just don't get it. It's a very helpless feeling to have all of these great ideas (imo) and have no one to work with to bring them to fruition. I'm really regretting buying a drum set in high school and wish I had picked up guitar instead.
Something that's been bothering me lately:

I don't understand why it's so hard to find someone who has the same vision as you when it comes to composing music. I seemingly attract all of these people on complete opposite sides of the musical spectrum. Either they are completely caught up with newer metal stuff like metalcore and stuff like that, or they want to play nothing but stuff like The Goo Goo Dolls or something completely soulless.

I actually have one friend who is an extremely talented guitarist, and whom I have a lot in common as far as music influences and styles go, but he is always too busy working to even want to work together.

I just don't get it. It's a very helpless feeling to have all of these great ideas (imo) and have no one to work with to bring them to fruition. I'm really regretting buying a drum set in high school and wish I had picked up guitar instead.

Age old complaint. My brother has the exact same problem. Either the people he finds are talented but egotastical, or don't like to practice.
hahaha, I just found a lead guitarist that wants to play the same powermetal that I do. and!!! he wants the lyrics about the typical nerd powermetal stuff.
Im not sure how long it will take us. but you guys are going to hear me singing some time in the near future.
Was that the Cascada one?

My whine is that I'm back at work again, but at least I'm still jet lagged and waking up at 5:30 am. This morning I managed to upload 3 albums' worth of FB photos, watch a full episode of Dr. Who, have sex, MP made me a gourmet salad, I ate the salad, and I also ate 2 anti-constipation yogurts before work.
Was that the Cascada one?

My whine is that I'm back at work again, but at least I'm still jet lagged and waking up at 5:30 am. This morning I managed to upload 3 albums' worth of FB photos, watch a full episode of Dr. Who, have sex, MP made me a gourmet salad, I ate the salad, and I also ate 2 anti-constipation yogurts before work.

could've had anal sex...kill two birds with one bone (no beastie)