The Whining and Bitching Thread

Now I want a druid in my avatar. Or something robotic.

Let it be known that I hereby reserve the name "Robot Druid" as the name for any sort of Slough Feg worship classic power metal band I form in the future. We shall be amongst the classic gods...

(Black) Sabbath
(Judas) Priest
(Iron) Maiden
(Robot) Druid
ASD: Before it was grim Greek-American frat boy, now it is "glasses and WoW account"

I have a good friend who is a druid. We have a very intense friendship based on power animals.
Damnit Krampus, now I'm all self-conscious about it.

Might have to change it to something that better conjures up an image of the casually dressed nerdy ginger short haired Greek metalhead to please all you impersonal net denizens.


See it better?
pays better than social psych that's for sure

fuck it is going to pour stormy rain and i have to walk home in 20 minutes.

i also have been generally feeling terrible and bloated lately due to a subpar diet, PMS (coming soon!) and quitting smoking.
it's supposedly relatively easy and lots of people breeze through it without caring

That's bs. A business degree is not easy to get and they aren't useless either. I witnessed my girlfriend get her's and she didn't just show up to class and get A's. Besides, they're extremely versatile and considering there are so many businesses around the world the job market is basically infinite.
I never said a business degree was useless, and I'm sure it varies greatly for the individual. I know a lot of people who majored in business and did the bare minimum and cheated on their assignments, but that obviously doesn't mean everyone does that.
It's still touchy-feely soft science.

I don't recall mental disorders being touch-feely soft.

And yes, some psychotherapies are... odd, and yes, wishy washy (i.e. Freudian Psychoanalysis) but many others are extremely viable (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Humanistic/Person Centered and so on.
So I keep seeing Terminix ads on here and it's bothering the crap out of me because it has pictures of giant fucking cockroaches and cockroaches are basically the things that I am most afraid of and they gross me out. Plus, who the fuck wants to see an ad with pictures of these vile fucking creatures? How is that a good way to sell a product or service? I just want to look away. Deron, get these ads off of this site.

edit: nevermind, just adblocked that shit. All is right with the world now.
Does South Africa give aid or otherwise help Moldova or Armenia anyway?

Sorry if that's random but I was just thinking about some of the things people said when I was doing volunteer work in Kenya. I kind of doubt rich black people care about impoverished whites.