The Whining and Bitching Thread

I've never gagged at anything in my life.

Disgusting internet videos have absolutely no effect on me, as listening to brutal death metal and seeing various album covers has completely desensitized me.

On the other hand, I make a point to leave the room when someone has to change their kid's diaper or clean up a mess left by a pet animal. I just can't stomach things like that.
You know they have porn nowadays yeah?

Care to elaborate?

Great post. My recent literature professor for twentieth century English literature actually talked about Tolkien for a little while during one class. He explained how Tolkien set about to create a mythology for his country and people. It's really a very interesting conception. Also, didn't Tolkien dislike the name of the second book as well?

Nec, I don't know how much you're into more modern fantasy literature, but I've recently read a series that definitely rivals Tolkien in its scope and magnitude. It's called The Prince of Nothing trilogy by R. Scott Bakker. There are definitely some obvious parallels to Tolkien in the story as well. Certain races Bakker created mimic Tolkien's races. For example, there's a race of mindless, swarming creatures that kill for pleasure (actually, in the story, they achieve sexual gratification from killing) called the Sranc; definitely inspired by Orcs. Also, there's an ancient race of beings that lived in the world before the coming of men called Nonmen (called so because the holy book of Men, The Chronicle of the Tusk, condemns them and calls them anathema to Men); definitely inspired by the Eldar. They also live much longer than men, like the Eldar. Anyway, if you ever have some free time, I think you would really appreciate the books. The trilogy has been completed, but there's still much of the story to come. Bakker is going to continue it in the upcoming Aspect-Emperor Trilogy.

I can't say I'm much of a fan of any "forest"-type fantasy literature outside of Tolkien. I've tried Dragonlance, The Deed of Paksenarian, and a few others that I can't recall at the moment, but they didn't really do much for me. I'd like to say that I'll keep Bakker in mind for future reference, but in all likelihood by the time I get around to reading books that I don't already own and have yet to read, I'll probably have long forgotten about him.

I'm just saying that there wasn't a single thing in that paragraph I didn't already know from watching that DVD.

edit: @ Dodens

Tolkien would be a good way to get me into fantasy literature, in that it's based on a complete mythology, as were the works of Homer and Vergil.

Well it's true, those appendices were very well put together. I wasn't trying to show off my own knowledge though, but rather to help explain what the problem is that a lot of people have when trying to appreciate his writing.

Mathiäs;7293950 said:
Oh, thanks. TheHistory is interesting but also incredibly boring. The only Chris Tolkien book that I've liked so far was Children of Hurin

Have you read The Silmarillion? I haven't read The Children of Hurin yet, but I'm familiar with the general story.
I can't say I'm much of a fan of any "forest"-type fantasy literature outside of Tolkien. I've tried Dragonlance, The Deed of Paksenarian, and a few others that I can't recall at the moment, but they didn't really do much for me. I'd like to say that I'll keep Bakker in mind for future reference, but in all likelihood by the time I get around to reading books that I don't already own and have yet to read, I'll probably have long forgotten about him.

I understand, I'm the same way. So many recommendations, so little time. :cool: However, I'll just add that he isn't "foresty." It's similar to Tolkien in certain respects, but his world is actually modeled off something more like ancient Roman and Hellenistic cultures, along with some Byzantine Empire and Middle East/Muslim cultures. The books are extremely embedded in philosophy and religion, and actually the main premise of the story revolves around a holy war. Also, the first book opens with a quote from Nietzsche:

"I shall never tire of underlining a concise little fact which these superstitious people are loath to admit-namely, that a thought comes with 'it' wants, not when 'I' want..."
~Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

The entire series basically revolves around this philosophical system. Not trying to force it on you, just pointing out that, while similar to Tolkien, it bears a different mood overall.
I have to admit that that does make it more tempting. I'll try harder to keep it in mind. Honest. :p
I didn't find 2girls1cup disgusting at all, but it was making my mate gag. Then we watched a video of the BME pain olympics and I couldn't watch it, but he was happy to stand there laughing.
I'm cool with people eating shit, but not with people slicing their dicks in half.
I've never had any desire to see BME pain olympics but I think I would be like you. 2girls1cup really didn't affect me too much.
Today my previous baseball team lost in regionals. The bad part was that one of my best friends allowed the game winning homerun
It doesn't make me want to throw up, But I just don't like watching genital mutilation. Different things affect different people. Like I said I could watch people eating excrement all day and I can watch mutilation of other areas of the body quite happily, it's just something about slicing open your ball sack that doesn't sit right with me.