The Whining and Bitching Thread

I skimmed alot of the first LOTR book. I dont give a shit Tom. Go prance about and be a poofter somewhere else.

Lord of the Rings can get pretty tedious. But I'm a fantasy nut, so I forced my way through it. :cool: It definitely pays off. Tolkien was great, despite the fact that he was pretty cliched.

Also, thanks everyone for the comments. I appreciate it!

And Zeph, I'll be in Buffalo for the first half of August (my bro's getting married on August 15th, so it's going to be busy but I'll definitely have some free time). If you're in town, let me know!
Lord of the Rings can get pretty tedious. But I'm a fantasy nut, so I forced my way through it. :cool: It definitely pays off. Tolkien was great, despite the fact that he was pretty cliched.

Tolkien is a writer that is extremely painfully difficult to appreciate, there's no denying that. But with determination and dedication (and a boatload of patience), you will be rewarded with what is easily the most vivid and breathtaking fictional world that has ever been conceived. The fundamental thing to understand about Tolkien (speaking generally, not directly to you) is that he was not a writer, nor was he necessarily a literature buff, but rather a linguist, and his obsessive linguistic drive is what actually led to The Lord of the Rings. The various languages of the people came first before any of the story came together, which I find amazing. He built the landscape, the language, the culture, and everything else first as a foundation upon which he could create a modern, truly British, mythology, and (despite borrowing heavily from other mythologies), I feel that he definitely succeeded. And I agree with him that The Return of the King was a bad title (it was the publishing company's idea, though probably the only battle that they won against him aside from publishing it as a trilogy and not one novel, breaking it up into six different books), because it pretty much gives away what will happen, but obviously it doesn't really matter once you've read it once.
Mathiäs;7292976 said:
What was the original title for RotK?

It was actually going to be called The War of the Ring, a title that was later used by Christopher Tolkien in his History of the Lord of the Rings series, which I own but haven't read yet. :zombie:
Lord of the Rings can get pretty tedious. But I'm a fantasy nut, so I forced my way through it. :cool: It definitely pays off. Tolkien was great, despite the fact that he was pretty cliched.

Also, thanks everyone for the comments. I appreciate it!

And Zeph, I'll be in Buffalo for the first half of August (my bro's getting married on August 15th, so it's going to be busy but I'll definitely have some free time). If you're in town, let me know!

im not sure if theres any shows in august :(
I've studied for 7 hours today and I'm walking 32 miles tomorrow with mates (practice for a sponsored 42 mile day walk we are doing in a month). Really can't be fucked, especially since it is supposed to rain heavily all day. UGH.