The Whining and Bitching Thread

It really depends on the context. If it's just for no reason at all, it's irritating, if it's a symbol, it's interesting. I just hate superfluous crap in literature.

In Romantic literature the nature scenery is never meant to be superfluous. Nature was always a symbol for the Romantics. The Romantics believed that Man was infinite and that Heaven and God could be found inside all men. Nature was the means to do so. Nature was infinity made manifest, in a sense. Many Romantics despised the modern industrial revolution that was starting to take place and the busy, fast-paced cities that were growing. They advocated an exile to nature to separate oneself from the world. In this way they believed Man could discover the Heaven within Himself.

Not all Romantics adhered strictly to this system of ideals, most notably Lord Byron (the ultimate Romantic badass :cool:).
Well look who's back.

I've always respected Einherjar. I think he might be the most educated and intelligent poster here... including you, Nec.

Am I saying I'm in that upper echelon? Fuck no. I'm just beginning to come into the full bloom of my potential intelligence. However, I am entitled to making an argument based upon what I understand and what I think... and I still hate superfluous crap, although I appreciate Ein explaining the metaphor to me.
There's a difference between "superfluous crap" and things that you think are superfluous but may not actually be. You have to read the novel that the author wrote if you want to truly appreciate it, and not the novel that you want or expected to read.

I also don't see what the hell provoked all of that superfluous crap in your post (see what I did there? Yeah. :cool:)
Ohhh, nice. Nicely done. I just felt like saying some superfluous crap for the hell of it. And I agree that I should read the novel to really understand what's superfluous and what's not... but we were originally talking about Frankenstein, and I have read that book, and I still think that quite a bit of that book was unnecessary, and drug the book down as a whole.

And as far as skimming; it's a bad habit, and I usually only do it when I am tired of a book. If I am still interested and engaged in what the author has to say, I'll eat up every word.
Well look who's back.

I've always respected Einherjar. I think he might be the most educated and intelligent poster here... including you, Nec.

Am I saying I'm in that upper echelon? Fuck no. I'm just beginning to come into the full bloom of my potential intelligence. However, I am entitled to making an argument based upon what I understand and what I think... and I still hate superfluous crap, although I appreciate Ein explaining the metaphor to me.

I appreciate the comment, although I'm probably far from the most educated. :cool: I've taken my fair share of literature classes, so that helps; but as far as things such as politics, economics and other social areas are concerned, I'm definitely lacking. I've always found the discussions here enlightening, even the ones with Nec (despite his relentless ass-kicking :cool:). And I'm definitely not as well-versed in metal as most of you. The reason I joined this thread was to expand my horizons (which I'm happy to say are slowly but surely growing; the current lack of an income makes it difficult to purchase records on a regular basis).

All that said, no problem explaining the symbolism. And as I said before, that still doesn't mean you have to like it. A lot of people find Romantic literature boring. I've also discovered that most of my literary peers find the Modernists to be much more interesting and enlightening than the Romantics. I can't say I've really decided on a favorite period within literature yet. I believe that to understand any of it, you need to read and, if not enjoy, at least appreciate all of it (even beach novels).
He gets along with pretty much everyone here. I nominate him as the best poster so far this year.

Anyways, I hate it when you watch porn and you forget to delete the history.


And I'm Polish, yet still laughing.

Einherjar > the rest of you itt.

I have more respect for English majors than most others. Their ability to see the deeper meanings of literature often translates to the real world. We need more people who can use that skill to understand perspectives.

I'm exploring philosophy at the moment, but I intend on doing literature as well, at a later date. And I wasn't calling Nec stupid there, by the way, before anyone misunderstands me.
Make sure you read Plato's Republic before you finish philosophy. And Marcus Aurelius' Meditations is a great read as it's especially relevant to everyday life.

He gets along with pretty much everyone here. I nominate him as the best poster so far this year.

Agreed. I ought to meet him next time I see my relatives in Buffalo.

Anyways, I hate it when you watch porn and you forget to delete the history.

Then why are you watching it on your parents' computer?

/WAIF-style post.
No I never get caught. I just get worried.
*edit* @ Ozzman.

Also this is my computer. My parents don't have one.
lol someone got caught. That happened to me back when my family only had one computer in the house and everyone used it.

You've been watching PORN?! I never thought you would sink this low. All the money we spent raising you and sending you to college... and now this! Where did we go so wrong? How can you even look at yourself in the mirror? You used to be such a nice, respectable young man. Let me just say that we're not mad at you, we're just extremely disappointed. Now if you'll excuse me Mommy needs to go have one of her special drinks and forget any of this ever happened.
He gets along with pretty much everyone here. I nominate him as the best poster so far this year.

Anyways, I hate it when you watch porn and you forget to delete the history.
Seconding the nomination. Anyhow, you can set firefox to automatically delete the history when you close it.

/WAIF-style post.
Yes! It spreads!

You've been watching PORN?! I never thought you would sink this low. All the money we spent raising you and sending you to college... and now this! Where did we go so wrong? How can you even look at yourself in the mirror? You used to be such a nice, respectable young man. Let me just say that we're not mad at you, we're just extremely disappointed. Now if you'll excuse me Mommy needs to go have one of her special drinks and forget any of this ever happened.
Make sure you read Plato's Republic before you finish philosophy. And Marcus Aurelius' Meditations is a great read as it's especially relevant to everyday life.
Will do.
o rly?

tell me plz

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