The Whining and Bitching Thread

Just go to work sick. If I got through mainland Chinese airport customs with the flu, you can flip some burgers and secretly snot on them.
Fuck, that's exactly what happened to me last night. I woke up with a cold, but in the evening got a fever, shivered and sweat alot etc. I made it through school today, but I'm taking tomorrow off from work, though I really don't want to. Problem is, I have to work a lot with food and interact with customers. If it was some sort of desk job I might be able to manage, but yeah.

That must be going around, my brother has the same thing you guys have, except he might actually be having a mono relapse that I possibly gave him by sharing a burrito with him.
Just go to work sick. If I got through mainland Chinese airport customs with the flu, you can flip some burgers and secretly snot on them.

Bah, I called in sick the other day because I was out of gas and I hate my job and don't want to go.

I just had random explosive diarrhea. Not really a whine or a bitch though as it was enjoyable.

:lol: That was the excuse I used. However, how is diarrhea enjoyable? I don't like the chemical burns on my anus from large amounts of stomach acid, they hurt. Not to mention the crippling abdominal cramps...
why do these faggots think that they are extremely cool if their motorcycle is louder than a hundred Slayer concerts rolled into one?
You are not cool! You sound like pure shit! Everyone within a 3 mile radius can hear your stupid ass!
Get a god damn muffler!
I hope a truck driver doesnt see your stupid ass and carnage insues.

Late, but agreed.
Just got back from seeing Metallica "in the round" at the biggest Arena in Melbourne. Wish I'd saved my cash. They played about 5 songs off the latest piece of crap, all of their ballads except The Unforgiven (yes they even played Nothing Else Matters) and about 3 or 4 songs I actually wanted to hear. The sound was terrible, the lighting and 'stage show' was really tacky, James' voice sucked shit, the weren't very tight and the guitars often sounded slightly out of tune.

Bizarre considering I saw them in 04 and they were great and played mainly off the first 4 albums.
Spending on a big show like this is a giant risk I wouldn't commit.

- The sound can easily fuck up (spendin money on your favourite band and hearing crap is not fun)
- They don't have to play what you'd like to hear (especially Metallica)
- There is no other shit to make you feel better (like, another good band or a chance to party good)
I'm not surprised Metallica were crap in all honesty.Hetfield's bad enough on their albums let alone live.I bet he was doing the old country wannabe croon.Sounds like they were just catering to their average Joe mainstream fans and forgetting where they come from,no surprises,I bet the crowd lapped it up though.Metallica sux IMO.
That's a shame. I'd relish the opportunity to see a good Metallica show, but they probably haven't had it in them for a long time now.
Megadeth are not good live, nearly note-perfect performance but I've never seen such a passionless band, Dave in particular just didn't give a shit.
:lol: That was the excuse I used. However, how is diarrhea enjoyable? I don't like the chemical burns on my anus from large amounts of stomach acid, they hurt. Not to mention the crippling abdominal cramps...

It's only enjoyable if it's a single session. I experience constipation fairly regularly and I'm completely obsessed with weight management so it feels good. Chronic/sick diarrhea is horrible and sucks. I don't think you poop out stomach acid the way you vomit it up though...

@Toenail sorry to hear that. I'm not surprised but it would have been nice if they played better songs. Did they at least play "Orion?"