The Whining and Bitching Thread

So i'm starting school tommorow and am starting to stress out.I always come to conclusions in my head about what it's going to be like and it even manifests in my dreams.Last night I had a dream that I was in this really shitty class and had to copy off the dude next to me because the teacher was just mumbling shit and somehow I was the only one in the class who could'nt understand him.Hopefully it will be slightly better than that.
Today was one of those days that was just shitty. I woke up, felt horrible, got dressed, felt like crap still, had some sub-par breakfast and the entire day has been bland and has seemed like a grind. Hit me today that my ex-gf is not around anymore and I feel like I'm a thousand miles from home. Also, I won't be able to go home for either Christmas or Thanksgiving for the first time in a couple of years and I think that will really hit my parents hard because I basically spent three years away from home during the holidays when I was in the Army.
I've come to accept that breakfast of any form usually bothers the fuck out of me. I always feel queasy if I eat before I've been awake for a couple of hours.
:lol: Why's that? I mean I'm 6 feet, 145 lbs so I'm not overweight. Maybe my stomach just can't handle cereal...

Actually, is it even possible to develop a lactose intolerance later in life? Maybe its the milk
In a fucking shitty mood because I need to finish 500 hours worth of engineering in an engineering firm to graduate. University doesn't help us with work placements, so we have to apply ourselves. Been rejected by almost every fucking company so far, and most of them have already closed applications.

Also, my drummer is fucking impossible to work with sometimes and recording has been crap for the past couple of days.

I've got a test and assignment due in 2 days. Which I don't really care about, but since my girlfriend does the same course as I do and freaks out and stresses out too much and becomes pretty much asexual because of it, I've been sexless for the past 3 days or so. I'm horny.