The Whining and Bitching Thread

my dorm mate is playing the spice girls really loud
and talking to his girl about fucking

my ears are sad
"Spice World" was a great movie. I'm not being ironic either, I really, truly enjoyed it.

I was going to resist the allure of bagel sandwiches this morning and failed.

Also I forgot my glasses, time to squint all day.
How can someone of asian descent squint and see anything?

Dakryn is no better. What the fuck do you think we served in the forces for? So people couldn't voice an opinion? Who gives a fuck that she hasn't served?

What I disapprove of is her using the media (which, let's face it, she has tied around her fucking finger) as an outlet for her political beliefs. Yes, people are allowed to speak their minds; but I don't think bimbo pop stars should be using their popularity as a soap box.

The same goes for celebrities I like, such as Bruce Springsteen or Sean Penn. I pay money for their records and films. I am their customer, and I don't want to hear what the fuck they think. My purchasing their material shouldn't constitute their preaching. "Freedom of speech" means that people can air their opinions about politics and what else without fear of repercussions, and celebrities can do that while a member of the public like everyone else; but it doesn't mean (in my opinion) that they can clog the airways and entertainment television stations with their propaganda.

If people want to be educated, they should read books and journals by the people who aren't famous but have spent their lives studying this stuff.
Well shit, that's just not how it works is it? Life isn't fair, and famous people have been using their fame to spread their personal beliefs/support/oppose causes since the beginning of time.
Well, there weren't really any famous people at the beginning of time. I suppose there were only two.

And besides, I know that's not how it works; but it's definitely no use to just say "well, they're famous, they'll keep preachin,' nothin' we can do, durp durp durp."
If people want to be educated, they should read books and journals by the people who aren't famous but have spent their lives studying this stuff.

um what? so someone's popularity equates to how credible their opinion is? Im sorry you lost me at that point. And what do you mean by "stuff" exactly?
To be fair to Lady Gaga she is completely right. There is no reason that gay soldiers should be barred from the military. If you think otherwise you are stupid and/or a bigot.

I totally disagree that celebrities shouldn't use their fame to advance what they believe in. It would be disingenuous to do otherwise.
Having gay men on the front line seems more sensible than having women there to me. I'm not saying that women are in anyway incapable of being effective killing machines, I just think that the shit hits the fan if they get captured, especially as they generally seem to get raped these days. If anything using people from groups that conservatives don't like is kind of smart, from a cynical viewpoint.