The Whining and Bitching Thread

Cereal, what are you, 5? Eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, shit, even a small steak, a bagel or English muffin, coffee, OJ or V8 are the components of a grown man's breakfast.


I have this horrible addiction to bagel sandwiches from 7-11 so these days I usually have a bagel sandwich and a yogurt. I should stop eating the bagel sandwiches as they are impeding further weight loss but they are so fucking good.

Healthy breakfast for me is a banana and yogurt.

Though the best breakfast is a MegaMuffin and hash brown. Morning Mac FTW!

When that bitch has put at least 4 yrs in the service, she will have a right to make statements about how it should be. Otherwise she can stfu. Fortunately her "little monster" fanbase is made up of mostly teens below voting age.