The Whining and Bitching Thread

I saw Metallica right after St. Anger came out and they were fucking awesome.

This is why I went last night. I saw them in 04 and they ruled. Tight as fuck, awesome sound, and they only played 1 or 2 songs off St Anger. The rest of the set was mainly their most awesome shit off the first four albums.

@Toenail sorry to hear that. I'm not surprised but it would have been nice if they played better songs. Did they at least play "Orion?"

God no. They played "Fuel" though. :erk:

The only songs they played that I really wanted to hear were For Whom The Bell Tolls, Master of Puppets and Blackened (although this was sloppy as hell). Runners up were Seek & Destroy and Sanitarium. They also played No Remorse for some reason and oh my god did it sound like a pile of crap.

And I dunno if Rick Rubin is to blame for this but they've gone for this really dry, not very distorted guitar sound, it sounds terrible on Death Magnetic and it sounds especially terrible when they play their good material with it.

Dead to me. DEAD
Megadeth are not good live, nearly note-perfect performance but I've never seen such a passionless band, Dave in particular just didn't give a shit.

qft all that dope fucked him up really bad he should start doing it again maby he'll perform better and make better records
I just spent a fortune on stuff I need for my maritime course starting on tuesday.Got an awesome canvas,water-proof backpack for $250 and had to buy around $300 worth of safety gear as well as nearly $100 worth of stationary.I'm not really whining though as it's gonna be rad,as well as learning all aspects of ship safety and maintenance part of the course includes a trip to New Zealand which will be amazing.After being stuck in a dead end job for well over a decade,this is something i'm so looking forward to.There's some serious studies involved but it's mixed up with alot of very cool stuff and excursions,boat trips and rigging,all kinds of cool stuff.This year has been a whirlwind of general weirdness but i'm bloody rapt with the way it turned out.
Yeah mate,I really can't fucking believe it.To go from losing my last job after finally losing it with my old boss,smacking him up a bit and beating the subsequent assault charge that followed,to this...i'm still spinning out a bit about the whole thing.I bet he's looking forward to it.One of the best things about being here,we have the only Maritime College in the country and I can't believe more locals don't take advantage of it.
Yeah thanx guys.It certainly makes a welcome change.You're dead right Episteme,a person can only put up with so much for so long,it's been pretty stressful but it seems it's all gonna work out :)
Pete Burns (Dead or Alive) came out with a new single recently and wow, it sucks! He completely gave into that autotune/vocoder shit and entirely ruined the song, I'd be fine if I never heard it again.
So I found a site that had all the Curb your Enthusiasms on megavideo this morning, and then I went back later(around 2), and they were taken down.