The Whining and Bitching Thread

Yeah that pretty much rehashes my point about institutional chivalry and the Southern gentleman and it being too complicated and controversial to have males and females in the same units or groups or whatever. Should be segregated IMO though I guess it's worth saying I don't think war necessarily has to be a manly art only if there are a considerable number of women willing and ready to fight.
Yeah that pretty much rehashes my point about institutional chivalry and the Southern gentleman and it being too complicated and controversial to have males and females in the same units or groups or whatever. Should be segregated IMO though I guess it's worth saying I don't think war necessarily has to be a manly art only if there are a considerable number of women willing and ready to fight.

Women are a liability in situations like combat, no matter how butch they are. Hell, a lot of the men who are in combat are a fucking liability. Women shouldn't be in the military at all imo. I'll also include people who could be a liability like gays, despite what cookiecutter claims, because he doesn't know what he's talking about.
I think it's unfair to the male soldiers to have female ones on the front line. The amount of complications it would add to it all is unreal.
Women are a liability in situations like combat, no matter how butch they are. Hell, a lot of the men who are in combat are a fucking liability. Women shouldn't be in the military at all imo. I'll also include people who could be a liability like gays, despite what cookiecutter claims, because he doesn't know what he's talking about.

This is true. I never met a woman in the Marines who was able to make accurate, timely decisions under pressure. They inevitably flamed out or dumped the decision off on the nearest male peer, and this wasn't even in "combat" (IE: Rounds coming down range).

@CC: That has nothing to do with it. It's music for morons, no less than say, Limp Bizkit was.
What I disapprove of is her using the media (which, let's face it, she has tied around her fucking finger) as an outlet for her political beliefs. Yes, people are allowed to speak their minds; but I don't think bimbo pop stars should be using their popularity as a soap box.

The same goes for celebrities I like, such as Bruce Springsteen or Sean Penn. I pay money for their records and films. I am their customer, and I don't want to hear what the fuck they think. My purchasing their material shouldn't constitute their preaching. "Freedom of speech" means that people can air their opinions about politics and what else without fear of repercussions, and celebrities can do that while a member of the public like everyone else; but it doesn't mean (in my opinion) that they can clog the airways and entertainment television stations with their propaganda.

If people want to be educated, they should read books and journals by the people who aren't famous but have spent their lives studying this stuff.

You can also choose what you want to hear from them. She's not forcing you to listen to her political views.
I don't think women should be in the military at all personally. I think if you join the military, no matter what branch or job specialty, you should be willing and able to go to the front lines if need be. It's a waste of time and money to have women in the military if they aren't allowed to be in combat. There's no job in the military that all men couldn't do.

I actually agree with this to an extent
I'd rather listen to Lady Gaga's political positions because she's not paid to give them than a pundit like Bill O'Reilly who is paid and makes a living on being inflammatory. And I'm pretty sure far more people take him seriously.

O'Reilly's by no means an expert either. He's a rhetorician.

You're saying that because you buy someone's art that they ought to be limited to only producing art and they can't express their opinions on political matters?

That's not what I said at all. They can express their opinions all they want; out with their friends, to their families, hell they can stand on the fucking sidewalk with a sign hanging around their shoulders.

What I disapprove of (I'll say this again) is the exploitation of one's fame. Which is what she's doing. Her opinion is inevitably weighed more seriously by millions of people around the world. When she opens her mouth, she has more of a negative effect than a positive one (not because I don't agree with what she's saying, but because she's taking advantage of her fanbase).

You can also choose what you want to hear from them. She's not forcing you to listen to her political views.

She is when they're plastered all over the fucking internet and news programs.
Why? If its wrong to descriminate then its wrong period.

I said to an extent. Women should be on the front lines just like the men. Gay, straight, white, black, male, female, transgender whatever you are you should be treated the same
Allowing gays to serve and allowing women to serve in combat situations are two different issues and should not be compared at all.
Mathiäs;9390226 said:
Allowing gays to serve and allowing women to serve in combat situations are two different issues and should not be compared at all.

I said everything should be equalized if they are going to allow gays in the military, not merely allowing women into combat roles (which plenty already are, merely not in the infantry MOS specifically). No gender specific training, standards, etc., since that is also a form of "discrimination".
Although I don't necessarily disagree with you, I think you underestimate the vast chasm of differences between the heterosexual/homosexual and male/female distinctions.