The Whining and Bitching Thread

It's actually an automatic discharge from service if you admit to being gay and or get caught. There still are of course gays and not that many people actually pursue it, in my cases at least, but the military to me is as worse as high school with the rumors and kiddie behind the back bullshit
Oh. That's bullshit. They should check Craigslist in Seoul and Sasebo, lots of fodder for tattling there.

Isn't the military in "safe" postings in Korea, Germany, Japan etc just like post-high school, pre-college with twice the drinking and hookers and longer PE class?
Besides, how the fuck do they get past the basic military training initially if they're not pulling their weight? Slackers or retards usually get weeded out then.

Basic military training is hard, but it's called "basic training" for a reason. Just trust me on this, I've seen many o' complete fucking shitheads make it through boot camp. Eventually they wash out, but generally not in boot camp. The only way you get out of boot camp in the Corps is if you graduate or in a body bag pretty much.

What was wrong with "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" again? How many people actually got discharged for being homos?

I never knew anyone who was discharged for being gay, but then again, most people understood the concept and didn't ask or say shit. Interesting how that works eh?

My roommate in the fleet was gay (I think I've mentioned this before?). He was a good guy but a complete shitbag when it comes to discipline, bearing, and willingness to do his job. He acted like a woman pretty much, bitching about having to do stuff and how everything the Marine Corps does is stupid, etc. I asked him one day, "What the fuck are you doing here then? I'm getting kind of tired of hearing you bitch, you're worse than a woman."

Oh. That's bullshit. They should check Craigslist in Seoul and Sasebo, lots of fodder for tattling there.

Isn't the military in "safe" postings in Korea, Germany, Japan etc just like post-high school, pre-college with twice the drinking and hookers and longer PE class?

Only in the shitbag units.
I'm not sure your roommate being a whiny brat was related to him being gay, but I can understand being annoyed at an institution that reserves the right to fire you simply for being gay.
From a hetro point of view I have absolutely no probs with gays joining the service.I should point out that i've never done service,my dad is a Vietnam Vet which gives me an enormous sense of pride.But I think there'd have to be some major changes for it to work,if they have to hide it or whatever,then that's probably not the best scenario.Maybe they should be afforded some respect aswell if they serve their country,maybe it's time they were formally recognised as a life of a gay is as important as that of a hetrosexual,especially since they are serving their country in times of need.One of my best mates has a gay brother and it's something I am mindful about.A life is a life after all and if they could come out I think that would make things a bit easier,maybe,but getting back to my original gripe.Fucking Lady Gaga should'nt be the one to be speaking about this stuff but I suppose it takes someone.
I'm not sure your roommate being a whiny brat was related to him being gay, but I can understand being annoyed at an institution that reserves the right to fire you simply for being gay.

He whined like a woman, and he was gay. You don't think those two have anything to do with each other?

edit: And to all those who think it should be ok for openly gay people to serve in the military, I want to know your reasons why you think that way.
Well to me it's obvious that they are there already and if they were clearly marked as gay,then it might save a few hassles and shit,i'm not very comfortable around gays either but they are a fact of life and hardly ever rape normal people.
I have a gay friend and he once tried to hit on me. We were in a non-stop together to have a beer and we kinda needed to write some pop-song lyrics about love and the time we spent together on our high school so we went to his appartement and he made me a romantic dinner with some wine. Then we drank few shots of whisky and made some nude photos of each other. Then I layed down on a bed and he came to me and started to touch me and I was like, no.

Few days later he claimed that I was being a dickhead for telling everybody and that it was my fault and that I'm simply a dickhead. Since then, everytime we drink together he starts talking about us both having small dicks and I'm like, dude, you've seen nothing.
If you think that homosexuals make hugely-life-altering decisions such as enlisting in military service purely based on whether or not they'll see other dudes naked...' goddamn dumb.

That's why my unit had to kick a little bitchy gay dude out since he sexually harrassed other guys on like 4 different occasions.

I didn't say all homosexuals, and I said it was a bonus, noy the reason. But it's already a given that unattractive hetero men/women join the military so their "sexual value" goes up, so I don't see why it would be any different for certain homosexuals.
I have a gay friend and he once tried to hit on me. We were in a non-stop together to have a beer and we kinda needed to write some pop-song lyrics about love and the time we spent together on our high school so we went to his appartement and he made me a romantic dinner with some wine. Then we drank few shots of whisky and made some nude photos of each other. Then I layed down on a bed and he came to me and started to touch me and I was like, no.

Few days later he claimed that I was being a dickhead for telling everybody and that it was my fault and that I'm simply a dickhead. Since then, everytime we drink together he starts talking about us both having small dicks and I'm like, dude, you've seen nothing.


When I was a virgin I used to wonder if I was gay, since my passivity confused girls. Then I grew a pair.
I'd just like to announce that I'm no longer a fucktard with women. While the deed may not yet have been done, I have brought a girl back here after going out drinking and I've been on a couple of dates with a different girl.

I also have a beard.
you guys live in a fantasy world where everyone accepts gays and wouldn't cause problems

so I was talking with a female friend of mine at the bar tonight. She's very open sexually and has plenty of gay/lesbian friends. She was in the marines for three years and basically said this. She told me it wasn't about them being gay or not being able to perform their jobs, it's because the majority of marines come from the South (she said just about every male marine she knew was from Texas) where shit like homosexuality isn't tolerated. well she said more than that, but that's the gist that I remember
Its true a ridiculous portion of Marines are from Texas, but the other major chunk is from Cali, so that's really not a great argument.

Out of the 4 known gays in my unit, only one had a good work rep from his peers. it's a matter of fact that military requires a certain level of natural aggression and mental toughness (defined as being able to handle accurate decision making under pressure) that the large majority of women and homosexual males (and these days, an increaing number of heterosexual males) do not possess.

The physical requirements preclude the majority of women regardless of "sexual preference". As it stands now women get special relaxed standards to be in the military and its bullshit.
Giving them a handicap isn't fair to anyone, and allowing them or homosexuals in the military is a warfighting handicap no matter how you cut it. The military is not the place for political correctness, because war is not politically correct.
So why not define global standards of behavior that apply to all genders and sexual preferences? The military should state that women and homosexuals are allowed to join the front line ranks only if they meet very specific psychological criteria (which can be easily determined through psychiatric evaluation).