The Whining and Bitching Thread

Bitching because niggas gonna keep me up till 2am with their drunken faggotardness

women cannot be on the front lines because they have vaginas, gays could and honestly I think it's a really bullshit argument to say that they dont have good work ethic or a killer instinct, i've met plenty of straight dudes that are just as worthless. It's honestly a close minded America(world?) and that would cause all the problems. Maybe once gay marriage is widely accepted in public then the military could maybe say hey im gay but im hoo(r)ah
Its true a ridiculous portion of Marines are from Texas, but the other major chunk is from Cali, so that's really not a great argument.

Out of the 4 known gays in my unit, only one had a good work rep from his peers.

Could it be that they were given a poor "work rep" from their peers because of pre-existing biases?
Could it be that they were given a poor "work rep" from their peers because of pre-existing biases?

No, I worked directly with 2 of them and can verify , and the other one went UA twice and pimped out her girlfriends as a side job. I did not work directly with the one who had a good rep, but the shop he was in was generally considered a group of slackers by the rest of us, so that doesn't mean a whole lot.
that bitch is uglyyyyy :guh:


how does that not turn you on I ask
Am I like the official UM kid? (with the exception of The Kid)

I know im okay :D
I'm also 17 if that makes you feel better.

Am I the only one that finds it a little creepy Sapar friended a teenage girl from a metal forum?