The Whining and Bitching Thread


lol age really doesnt matter on FB because its so eclectic
if he added me on msn or sommat THAT would be creepy because its more personal

Seriously though, I have other teenage friends on facebook. Some are are my family, others are people I started to chat with on I don't think I'm a pedo because I talk to young people about music.
Apparently The Drone Ranger is having a long distance relationship with a Jeremy. And there's a 30+ year old, bearded Jeremy amidst us. Just sayin...
Apparently The Drone Ranger is having a long distance relationship with a Jeremy. And there's a 30+ year old, bearded Jeremy amidst us. Just sayin...

If my husband was having an affair, he'd be dickless now. And if he was having an affair with a minor? He'd be dickless in jail because I would have turned him in after I cut off his manhood.
Haha no one can find me on facebook now!

And not always, King Drunkard, you're confusing "likes men" with "is female." Some gay men are really effeminate but a lot are indistinguishable from the general population of straight men.