The Whining and Bitching Thread

Fucking shocking Tasmanian weather it's nearly summer and there's still snow about...the worst thing is that it will go from to this to about 40 degrees in a week,it's a fucking harsh place to live,thank fuck i've got Daniella to keep me warm :D

Still freezing here as well. It was fucking beautiful on Sunday, I actually wore thongs for the first time since the warm weather earlier this year. Went and got my car detailed, drank beer outside in the sun, rejoiced that winter had finally fucked off, and then it promptly turned back to shit again yesterday.
It's almost like every season's getting more harsh...I know what you mean man,you've pretty much gotta be prepared for literally all kinds of weather at this time of the year.We've had some beautiful days as well,now this.
I'm the same can always put on more clothes in the winter but the heat is just fucked...yeah i've noticed the days are drawing out.It's pretty brutal how it goes from cold to hot all of a sudden.
so as I go running this morning, you know something where you figure with music in and looking super good running at ridiculously high speeds and being really really good wouldn't get stopped by a car (saw her say something to me..figured it would be important)...and yes to ask, "Where is the Dick's Sporting Goods?"
If I have one regret throughout high school, its hanging out with the immature friends I have.

Jesus Christ, I don't want to walk home with you in this gloomy fucking drizzle, I want to stay in the senior lounge and play N64 with more down to earth people and this hot asian chick. Don't fucking guilt me into going with you, you boring overly aggressive fuck...
They scrapped our senior lounge when I was in 10th grade. DICKS.

Depending on how tight you are, you may resonate more and keep in touch better with college friends. Or be cool like me and end up with rather few friends anywhere because you skipped the country for 3 years.
I've come to realize that one of the shittier things about facebook is when you're facebook friends with somebody you don't particularly like but they constantly post on your wall, statuses, etc. I am facebook friends with some gross, trashy girl whom I've known for years and she constantly posts on my wall. It's annoying and I've never liked her irl. I would unfriend her but I feel like I'm too polite to do that. I wish there were a better way to make her go away. :mad:
Cyth: Just delete them till she gets the idea.
I hide approximately everyone I'm friends with on FB. I only don't hide people I'm actually interested in or whose streams are worth reading (like False Joe).
Well, it turns out that my ex-girlfriend - in all her glorious bitchiness - may have done the job for me. *crosses fingers*
I added hundreds of people randomly, originally hoping to build a huge mafia for Mafia Wars. Now that I'm tired of that game, I have all these people that I'm friends with but don't give 2 shits about, so I troll their walls for fun. I've lost about 10 FB friends this way, but no more. I think I've hit a wall.
I have 953 or so Facebook friends and I care about probably 400-450 of them tops. Culling them is too much work. They need to make a Javascript thing where you can just highlight them and then click "Delete all."