The Whining and Bitching Thread

Goddamn cmdistro. Saw they had a half off their entire clearance catalog sale earlier... got excited and was going to put $40 in the bank in the morning to buy some stuff. Ended at midnite. :(
Went out to my car this morning to find a giant crack in the windshield. 500 bucks to replace it. I have insurance but it is not comprehensive and therefore they don't cover it. FML.
I have 953 or so Facebook friends and I care about probably 400-450 of them tops. Culling them is too much work. They need to make a Javascript thing where you can just highlight them and then click "Delete all."

You care about too many people.
I did laundry yesterday, and hung my clothes up at around 3:30.

It's 10 minutes to 3 right now, I'm about to head to work, and my pants are still wet.
I did call them. They called my insurance, said "hey you don't have a comprehensive policy" and told me what the price would be. Fucking gay. And yeah, Dakryn...we have that too. I just have the cheapest insurance policy.
I can't stand tandem dump trucks with signs telling you to keep back 200' because they're not responsible for broken windshields. I'd really like to see how that holds up in court.
I'm fucking sweating right now. Had a soup with like ton of pepper and I don't feel any better tbh. Plus I'm coughing and tired but can't sleep.
As far as I know it's mandatory in AZ.

Ah. I see. Yeah, in MA, only comprehensive plans cover it. I may as well just upgrade to comprehensive next year because it's not that much more expensive and could save me from shit like this in the future.

btw, Onder. I feel bad that everyone's getting sick; several people in some of my classes have been out with flu-like/cold symptoms recently (or maybe they're BSing). Then again, it is that time of year. I haven't been sick in a really long fucking time, despite my generally less-than-healthy diet and lack of adequate vitamin intake. Not complaining though!