The Whining and Bitching Thread

This cold wave is intense. It's like it plunged straight from summer to winter in about 2 days.
This cold wave is intense. It's like it plunged straight from summer to winter in about 2 days.

Yeah man, but I think I'm out of the cold. It got alright yesterday, I spent the day drinking coffee and various teas, wines and beers to calm down and I'm quite fit today already.
It was raining like fuck today, and wearing just a hoodie and jean jacket fucking sucked. But meh.
I have a serious problem and i fucking need medicine or therapy or some shit

Trichotilomania, man

it sucks :(
Trichotillomania (TTM, also known as trichotillosis,[1] or colloquially as trich) is defined as "hair loss from a patient's repetitive self-pulling of hair"[2] and is characterized by the repeated urge to pull out scalp hair, eyelashes, facial hair, nose hair, pubic hair, eyebrows or other body hair, sometimes resulting in noticeable bald patches.[3] Trichotillomania is classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) as an impulse control disorder, but there are questions about how it should be classified. It may seem, at times, to resemble a habit, an addiction, a tic disorder or an obsessive–compulsive disorder.
The disorder "leads to noticeable hair loss, distress, and social or functional impairment", and is "often chronic and difficult to treat".[3]


Think it could be from stress? If so, maybe just avoiding the stressful environments would help.

Think it could be from stress? If so, maybe just avoiding the stressful environments would help.

It's a fucking nightmare, I though getting away from my controlling parents to college would help, but obviously not. The overall stress of college might be causing it. But the thing is, I pull my hair when i get stressed, and that makes me event MORE stressed and ach. :( And it's not about occupying myself with something else, it just feels good to me, to twirl my hair and pull it out. >_> i honest to god wish I could stop because it's getting more noticeable and affecting my self-esteem. I just have to think of something :erk:
Get help. My friend's gf has that and she has no eyelashes or eyebrows and looks like a freaky alien mess. Her self esteem is in the toilet as a result/cause of it.
Get help. My friend's gf has that and she has no eyelashes or eyebrows and looks like a freaky alien mess. Her self esteem is in the toilet as a result/cause of it.

Mhm, im going to talk to my parents tomorrow to find me a professional because this isn't something I can just work out on my own
It's best that you try to get some sort of psychiatric help. I can sympathize because I'm plagued with all sorts of obsessive/compulsive/neurotic behavior. It's also best to try and alleviate stress on your own: yoga, meditation, exercise, anything you can do on your own to relieve stress. Try and find a good combination of a personal routine and therapy.
I have some obsessive behavior, but my way of coping's pretty tame in comparison. (I go and wash my hands whenever I'm nervous about something. Don't ask.) :/

What Sapar is saying is great advice.
It's not just head hair. Eyebrows, eyelashes and more. Though you could save a lot of money on razors if you just ripped out all your unwanted body hair!
:erk: I feel bad. So, on tuesday I was given a group assignment in lab that is due on tuesday that involved us going to a graveyard, and the 3 other members of my group did not show. Later that day I heard from the professor that one of the girls in my group lost her grandmother and the other one had an emergency with her child. The other one just did not show...skipper? Who knows. Then today for lecture the girl who lost her grandmother arrived and while she is usually an extrovert today she was very much introverted. Anyways, at the end of class I was speaking to another peer about the awkwardness of the assignment and the girl was behind me. Then I turned to her and told her that we had to go to a graveyard for the project. Then she began to shed tears, and didn't believe me that she had to ask the professor if we really had to go to a graveyard. Of course, I said I'm sorry...but what can I do? the other members did not show and the project is due on tuesday. Afterwards outside I just got the number of another group. I'm not going to call this girl over the weekend and ask her if she is ready to go to a graveyard.