The Whining and Bitching Thread

I'm just gonna say this, maybe it will be helpful. I recently started my Fall semester in college and i was quite excited, because i missed the university my friends and all that. I had 3 classes that day, and then i came home feeling extremely exhausted, my feet started to ache really badly, i wasn't able to walk normally, because i wasn't 100 percent recovered from the chemotherapy that i received in the summer. If this was going to happen every time i came back home, i said to myself i'm not going to the university anymore. But then i did a lot thinking, and came to a conclusion that, what the hell am i going to be if i don't continue my education?

So now, i dropped all my courses for this semester, and talked to university about my situation, and they didn't have any problem with it. So now, i'm going to sign up for classes in Spring. I believe i will be fully recovered by that time. I don't mind taking classes slowly till i finish my treatment. I don't mind either if i graduate from i university when i'm 25

Yeah, it's much better to take it slow than push yourself while treatment and whatnot is going through. Anyways, good luck with it all.
I dislike the production on Battles in the North because it is just horribly produced. The plastic drums annoy me to no end and it doesn't help that they're incredibly high in the mix.

I think the production on the first two Immortal albums is really good! Blizzard Beasts wasn't too bad either.

With At the Heart of Winter they adopted that awful modern style of production. Loud, inflated, bass-y wall of sound crap. Although, Sons of Northern Darkness sounds alright. I guess these albums aren't too bad in contrast to what is out there.
Blizzard Beasts is the worst-produced album I've ever heard. Not to mention the sloppy drums piss me right OFF.
I think Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism has the best production. The muddled tone of the guitars makes it sound like it comes from afar, foreboding music from some distant mountain instead of directly from the speakers.
Blizzard Beasts is the worst-produced album I've ever heard. Not to mention the sloppy drums piss me right OFF.

I think that Blizzard Beasts has an odd production, but I don't mind it. The drums aren't completely overwhelming...Are you sure you're referring to right album though? The drumming on Battles in the North is very sloppy, with far too much emphasis on speed. It is a faster paced album than Blizzard Beasts is,.
Nah... Blizzard Beasts was the first Immortal album I checked out so I've always remembered it vividly in my mind. I hate hate hate it.

The drums just sound really tinny and weak, and the drummer... sounds like he can't keep up most of the time.
Nah... Blizzard Beasts was the first Immortal album I checked out so I've always remembered it vividly in my mind. I hate hate hate it.

The drums just sound really tinny and weak, and the drummer... sounds like he can't keep up most of the time.

Initially, I disliked Blizzard Beasts when I first got it. It was back in the day when I had no access to downloading or anything so without hearing a second of the album I bought it, paying $27.99! At this time, just about any metal import was $23.99 and higher, and this was when the Canadian dollar really sucked too!

Yeah, I agree that the drums are rather tinny and weak. Perhaps they overcompensated. But I've grown to enjoy the album, the song "Mountains of Might" is pretty awesome!

The original promo for Battles in the North album was criticized a fair bit for the production, so they released it with a different mix. I believe I have the promo downloaded onto my comp somewhere, I'm trying to remember what the differences are...
Blizzard Beasts is the worst-produced album I've ever heard. Not to mention the sloppy drums piss me right OFF.

So I take you've never heard this then?
Jesus... this job of mine is no joke.

I'm clearly on a lower plane of aptitude compared to most of my coworkers. I learn more slowly, forget things more easily, and make mistakes more often. Even with a relatively simple role on this project, it feels like I'm barely keeping my head above water sometimes. Something has to change -- either with the nature of the work or with my own lifestyle -- or else I'm going to turn out to be a pretty disappointing employee.
I got a call today from the asshole I sold my car to two and a half months back. Apparently the turbo is now broke, and he wants me to either pay for the repairs or take the car back. It's not like he didn't get to test the car as much as he wanted to before he signed the contract or anything. What's more, I didn't know anything more about the turbo than he did, so why the hell should I pay him?
I got a call today from the asshole I sold my car to two and a half months back. Apparently the turbo is now broke, and he wants me to either pay for the repairs or take the car back. It's not like he didn't get to test the car as much as he wanted to before he signed the contract or anything. What's more, I didn't know anything more about the turbo than he did, so why the hell should I pay him?

Thats part of the risk of buying any used car, and it didn't matter what would have broken, its been two and a half months. If it had been two weeks maybe, but thats it.
I want to make this one guy who annoys me leave me alone without sounding like a dick. After two weeks of "knowing" him, the second or third time I leave his house after going over (reluctantly) he asks if he's one of my closest friends and then asks for a hug. I take a different route to my first and last classes so that I don't end up having to talk to him. He'll start the millionth conversation about Rickenbackers, tell me about some girl he met yesterday and is all infatuated with, and/or invite me over to his house. He doesn't invite in a yes or no fashion, either. It's more of a "hey, come to my house after school."

He's just aggressively friendly. He seems to not recognize some things, too. He seems to not notice that I've never invited him over or initiated conversation with him, and that I respond to 80% of his invites with a probably not or a no, and I never suggest another time. I can't just tell him I don't like him and don't wish to talk to him because he's blabbed out his life story to me (just like he does onto facebook -_-) and I'd feel like a dick for just telling him I don't like him when he's had issues.

Please help.
Last night sucked. Went to a club with a friend, who said one of his friends had bottle service there. We got in with no cover and arrived at the table, where the bottle was mostly gone. My friend and I had a shot or two and danced for a bit, then turned around and noticed that the friend of a friend was gone, as was everyone else in the group. When my friend and I went to leave, we were presented with the bill: $360 for two bottles of cunting Smirnoff. FUCK LIFE ITSELF. My friend wound up paying for it (I had almost no money on me). I wanted to go find this douchebag and curbstomp him, but my friend stopped me. Today apparently he talked to the asshole (frat kid - coincidence?) and says he's gonna get his money back.
Devasya Chāyā;9439713 said:
I want to make this one guy who annoys me leave me alone without sounding like a dick. After two weeks of "knowing" him, the second or third time I leave his house after going over (reluctantly) he asks if he's one of my closest friends and then asks for a hug. I take a different route to my first and last classes so that I don't end up having to talk to him. He'll start the millionth conversation about Rickenbackers, tell me about some girl he met yesterday and is all infatuated with, and/or invite me over to his house. He doesn't invite in a yes or no fashion, either. It's more of a "hey, come to my house after school."

He's just aggressively friendly. He seems to not recognize some things, too. He seems to not notice that I've never invited him over or initiated conversation with him, and that I respond to 80% of his invites with a probably not or a no, and I never suggest another time. I can't just tell him I don't like him and don't wish to talk to him because he's blabbed out his life story to me (just like he does onto facebook -_-) and I'd feel like a dick for just telling him I don't like him when he's had issues.

Please help.

I don't understand why telling him "no" doesn't work.
Bitch move, you should beat his ass.
