The Whining and Bitching Thread

I'm going to bitch about the 91 fucking freeway in SoCal..this is what it looks like about 95% of the time, under 5mph...In this photo, I had to go from Corona to Huntington Beach in this but some how i made it with 30 min to spare. (if yer local you know thats a long drive)


I hate our freeways. Some jackass designed the 91E and 241 interchange...eastbound, about 3 ramps(both interchange & surface street) mooshed into ONE PLACE overloading the 91E. From about 2pm to 6pm (sometimes later) do not expect to get into Riverside in a reasonable amount of time.
I doubt the widening project is really going to make a difference because once you hit's narrow again.
yeah the 91 is the worst. They're always doing construction on it, or there are always fifty billion accidents. the only thing that's worse is the interchange from the 110N to the 10E...people go fucking crazy there
yeah the 91 is the worst. They're always doing construction on it, or there are always fifty billion accidents. the only thing that's worse is the interchange from the 110N to the 10E...people go fucking crazy there

No kidding, it's ridiculous!! The one spot in LA i hate taking the bus through, the 101 tunnel where you come out just before alameda right there in's scary, I think someone is going to slam right into the side of my bus.
I am bitching because I feel like currently, there's no real purpose to my life at all. I feel the worst I've ever felt in my entire life.

I can't seem to get a job no matter how hard I try. I apply at tons of places throughout this wretched shithole of a town, pretty much every place I can think of, and the closest I've gotten is a rejection letter from a Zellers. I would apply at places in different towns but I don't own a car... it's sorta part of the reason why I need a job in the first place.

Not only that, but I am 20 years old and I am watching all of my friends, aside from my one closest bud, go to college without me. I want to go to college for graphic design, but I'm not comfortable with going $5-6000 into debt, having never even owned that amount of money at one time before. That's another reason I was sorta hoping for this job. I wanted to at least be able to pay for half of it upfront, y'know?

Having to sit in this one shithole of a town (Smiths Falls), not being able to hang out with any of my buds, not being able to advance in my life, not currently being able to live the college life, is one of the worst feelings in the world. I mean, my girlfriend makes me happy too but without the friends its just a really hollow, depressing feeling.

I feel like everybody else is advancing in life but I'm stuck in this hole, and it feels horrible. I'm going fucking batshit insane being stuck in this town. BATSHIT FUCKING INSANE.
I was going to whine about having a fairly heavy/confusing workload tomorrow but after reading The Butt's existential crisis post, I feel like an asshat doing so.

Chin up sailor. Sometimes debt can be worth the expenditure if you go into a field that is likely to have lots of jobs available.
Work study is soooo fucking nice to have. I get paid for watching over a computer lab, for fuck's sake.
I feel like everybody else is advancing in life but I'm stuck in this hole, and it feels horrible. I'm going fucking batshit insane being stuck in this town. BATSHIT FUCKING INSANE.

The good part is, since you're older hopefully by the time you go to college you'll take it seriously. Half of everyone that signs up drops out or fails by the end of the first semester. I'm 23 and only a sophomore, but on scholarship and getting straight a-s because I've decided that I fucked up enough in life already, and it's time to grow the hell up.

I'm a graphic design major, and I have to say I'm really worried about finding a job after I finish college. I have several really awesome portfolio pieces, but even if I'm the best there's still no guarantee.

Good luck figuring things out for yourself, have you considered community college?
hey butt, at least you have a girlfriend.

I'm over here working part time, and that's it. Besides that I just sit on my ass all day.
Why do alot of people find sweep picking and blast beating wankery brutal tech death metal appealing? *shakes head*

Some people thinks it means that they're "tough" people who can handle "intense" music, others think they're smart because its so CUMPLECKS AND TECKNIKULZ.

Sounds like someone doesn't know how to do either of those things.

Wankery is the most useless talent ever.
I was going to whine about having a fairly heavy/confusing workload tomorrow but after reading The Butt's existential crisis post, I feel like an asshat doing so.

Chin up sailor. Sometimes debt can be worth the expenditure if you go into a field that is likely to have lots of jobs available.

Student loans bro.

I might end up having to go through for one. But as I said, the course is 5-6 grand (at the very least. I think with all fees, it might come up to higher).

I sorta just have a really overpowering fear of debt, the concept just really bugs the shit outta me. If I can avoid it at all possible, I'll try my damn best to do so.

The good part is, since you're older hopefully by the time you go to college you'll take it seriously. Half of everyone that signs up drops out or fails by the end of the first semester. I'm 23 and only a sophomore, but on scholarship and getting straight a-s because I've decided that I fucked up enough in life already, and it's time to grow the hell up.

I'm a graphic design major, and I have to say I'm really worried about finding a job after I finish college. I have several really awesome portfolio pieces, but even if I'm the best there's still no guarantee.

Good luck figuring things out for yourself, have you considered community college?

I'd definitely take it seriously, I would give anything I had to be out on my own, living in residence, and in college. I'm taking part time courses right now at an Algonquin in Ottawa, for a certificate, and I love it. But I want to go full-time, and go for the real thing.

Getting a job doesn't worry me, I'll probably just end up trying to get a job with some local newspaper or something, or some sort of web design job.

It's just getting into college in the first place that is proving to be really hard. If I could get a job (I've literally applied at nearly every place in this town) this wouldn't be a problem, cause I'd just save for a year, if I could even pay half the student loan upfront I'd be a happy camper, I'd be all over that shit. But things aren't proving to be that easy.

Thanks guys. It's just really taking a toll on me. Being 20 and still living in this shithole just really fucking sucks.
I'm just gonna say this, maybe it will be helpful. I recently started my Fall semester in college and i was quite excited, because i missed the university my friends and all that. I had 3 classes that day, and then i came home feeling extremely exhausted, my feet started to ache really badly, i wasn't able to walk normally, because i wasn't 100 percent recovered from the chemotherapy that i received in the summer. If this was going to happen every time i came back home, i said to myself i'm not going to the university anymore. But then i did a lot thinking, and came to a conclusion that, what the hell am i going to be if i don't continue my education?

So now, i dropped all my courses for this semester, and talked to university about my situation, and they didn't have any problem with it. So now, i'm going to sign up for classes in Spring. I believe i will be fully recovered by that time. I don't mind taking classes slowly till i finish my treatment. I don't mind either if i graduate from i university when i'm 25
Earlier I listened to Immortal's album Battles in the North. Whenever I think about this album, I always think of the ear-rapingly bad production. My left ear really hurts today. Coincidence? :zombie: