The Whining and Bitching Thread

The absolute worst FB friends are the ones who use FB to obnoxiously broadcast their political opinions. I have to read so many bullshit Libertarian/Tea Party wank posts from this one dude, I'm this close to culling him.
AIDSbook... In all honesty, I do find Facebook to be entertaining. Most of what I see go on is just my 16 year old friends tolling each other, making troll accounts, and alternating between posting Darkthrone songs and radio pop/rap. Just a lot of tolling all around. The most interesting thing I have seen yet is my 16 year old "love-interest" being trolled so hard, she almost had to go the the psych-ward at the hospital.
Why is FB so famous? I really don't see anything special in FB, worst than that is Twitter! posting what you are eating or when you're gonna pee 24/7 !
So which is he? Libertarian or Tea Party? :p

He identifies as both. He's Christian and has 2 dads but actively opposes gay marriage. He's outspoken about anti-white racism, participates regularly in Tea Party activities, and posts like infinity links a day extolling the virtues of libertarian politicians/writers.
my 16 year old "love-interest"

Does anyone else get comments about band shirts?
I am just eating breakfast in the dining hall, wearing my Inquisition shirt.. some big black dude comes up to me and is like "yo nigga, that a Led Zep shirt?" I told him no, that it was Inquisition. He is like "oh shit, ill check it out." I was pissed, not because of mistaking my shirt for a led Zep shirt, that bastard interrupted one of the best Damn egg and cheese biscuits ever.
one of my students has worn Venom, Exodus and Razor shirts to class the few times I've seen him. Everytime I've told him "Nice shirt."