The Whining and Bitching Thread

I don't hate Facebook, just the concept of having the uptight, bitchy members of my family on it.

Also, lol, just got banned on now too, because the admin is an utter tool.

Is that a hobby of yours? Getting banned?

The thing I've noticed about it is that it's always the mod's fault

I lol'ed.
I was called stupid today for saying it's not irrational to believe that a human's thoughts, personality, etc. are a completely physical phenomenon occurring in one's brain. I also said it's irrational to believe that one's memories and personality could stay intact when their brain stops functioning and rots away. I said "it's like saying a computer can work if you take everything out of it."

I sound like the typical ranting atheist, but seriously, god is a product of imagination. That doesn't mean it isn't real. It just means that it is not a phenomenon that can be verified by reason. Like all beliefs that are believed through socialization, personal desire, and evasion of rationality, the person believing it is going to believe that it is more special and more plausible than any of the same type. It's a proven psychological phenomenon. A person raised to believe in Zeus is going to think Zeus is as plausible as a person raised to believe in god thinks god is.

The problem I have is the infinite room for disagreement within imaginary concepts. Unlike other imaginary things like stories, gods have had civilizations and governments built around them. They have also been the driving force of division and massacre.

The cruelty of the Aztec empire largely stemmed from their belief that their gods lived on human blood. During the late era before they Spanish arrived they were going on a conquering binge. They were upping the amounts of sacrifice and the amounts of people they killed as they began to conquer more areas. They wanted Huitzilopochtli to bring them success in war. It was a cycle fueled from a simple imaginary belief that caused millions to die.

I should find friends interested in intelligent discussion that are not anarchist potheads.
Devasya Chāyā;9539029 said:
I was called stupid today for saying it's not irrational to believe that a human's thoughts, personality, etc. are a completely physical phenomenon occurring in one's brain. I also said it's irrational to believe that one's memories and personality could stay intact when their brain stops functioning and rots away. I said "it's like saying a computer can work if you take everything out of it."

I sound like the typical ranting atheist, but seriously, god is a product of imagination. That doesn't mean it isn't real. It just means that it is not a phenomenon that can be verified by reason. Like all beliefs that are believed through socialization, personal desire, and evasion of rationality, the person believing it is going to believe that it is more special and more plausible than any of the same type. It's a proven psychological phenomenon. A person raised to believe in Zeus is going to think Zeus is as plausible as a person raised to believe in god thinks god is.

The problem I have is the infinite room for disagreement within imaginary concepts. Unlike other imaginary things like stories, gods have had civilizations and governments built around them. They have also been the driving force of division and massacre.

The cruelty of the Aztec empire largely stemmed from their belief that their gods lived on human blood. During the late era before they Spanish arrived they were going on a conquering binge. They were upping the amounts of sacrifice and the amounts of people they killed as they began to conquer more areas. They wanted Huitzilopochtli to bring them success in war. It was a cycle fueled from a simple imaginary belief that caused millions to die.

I should find friends interested in intelligent discussion that are not anarchist potheads.

Your friends sound like awesome people.
Devyarblegarblechaya probably gets trolled irl because people like to watch him rant, while they place masks over their faces that make them look like that black guy eating popcorn in the movie theater

nom nom nom nom nom

edit: nom nom
Normally I would agree with you, that it seems sketch, but I just find it pretty sad that telling someone they're being bigoted is enough to warrant a ban.

I think Nick was throwing a jab at me, just to be a goof. I'm the mod. Unfortunately I haven't been here a lot. unknown is a mod too.
I think Nick was throwing a jab at me, just to be a goof. I'm the mod. Unfortunately I haven't been here a lot. unknown is a mod too.

I know you're the mod. :lol: I guess I just didn't detect the humor.

Fuck sakes, I've been here for about two years and still don't get your humor. Fuck me running. :( :lol:
You know, I don't even think of you guys as mods.

You guys do the job as it should be done. You close shitty threads and leave people alone.
I think Nick was throwing a jab at me, just to be a goof. I'm the mod. Unfortunately I haven't been here a lot. unknown is a mod too.
I was not, although in hindsight that would have been funnier. Rather, I was commenting generally how no one ever gets banned and then says "man, I was real dickhead. Probably shouldn't have posted all that stupid bullshit." This is not directed at The Butt or anyone else, The Butt's post just made me think of that. Butts.