The Whining and Bitching Thread

Our hot water tank is nonfunctional so I had to have a fucking frigid ice-cold shower.

Shit's torture man. I wouldn't wish that on people I hated.

Same thing happend to me, luckily the shower has its own heater so that was ok...but everything else was Ice cold.
I have a sort of an odd OCD quirk, where I can't sleep at nights if I haven't had my nightly shower. Like, every night.

So it fucking sucked. Hard.
I've never understood people who shower before bed. Doesn't all the oil your skin generates in your sleep just make you feel nasty again in the morning?

Anyway try doing some strenuous exercise and work up a sweat beforehand if you have to take a cold shower, it helps.
Lets talk about when we shower. I shower when I get home from work, except if I'm running. In that case I wait until I've run and then cooled down. By this time I'm minging up a storm, and the shower is a thing of immense greatness. I don't shower before bed for aforementioned reasons and I can't shower when I get out of bed because I don't usually have time, and coffee takes priority over everything at that point.
I shower right as I wake up every day, unless I work super early in which I case I shower the night before.
Lets talk about when we shower. I shower when I get home from work, except if I'm running. In that case I wait until I've run and then cooled down. By this time I'm minging up a storm, and the shower is a thing of immense greatness. I don't shower before bed for aforementioned reasons and I can't shower when I get out of bed because I don't usually have time, and coffee takes priority over everything at that point.

Were you referring to my post with "aforementioned reasons"? Cause by my reasoning showering 'after work' is pretty much indistinguishable from showering 'before bed'.

Also, you clearly have time to shower in the morning; the reason you "can't" is probably that you don't have the motivation to get up earlier to do it.
zabu of nΩd;9560152 said:
I've never understood people who shower before bed. Doesn't all the oil your skin generates in your sleep just make you feel nasty again in the morning?

Anyway try doing some strenuous exercise and work up a sweat beforehand if you have to take a cold shower, it helps.

I used to shower right at the crack of dawn, but that was when I actually had to be places.

For the past while though, I usually just lounge around the house dirty as fuck until about 8:00 or 9:00, have a shower, go on the computer for a bit then drop off.
zabu of nΩd;9560187 said:
Were you referring to my post with "aforementioned reasons"? Cause by my reasoning showering 'after work' is pretty much indistinguishable from showering 'before bed'.

Well yeah I guess I was. I figure the oils and so forth have done their thing if one showers in the eve/late eve as opposed to right before bed.

zabu of nΩd;9560187 said:
Also, you clearly have time to shower in the morning; the reason you "can't" is probably that you don't have the motivation to get up earlier to do it.

I have the motivation but not the ability. If I got up earlier I would probably earn more money (and have time to shower, all though I probably still wouldn't because of being relatively clean from the previous night's shower, but I digress). Seriously, I've been fired from jobs before because of not being able to get up early enough. Some people are morning people and some are the complete opposite, like myself. My father is the same, so I figure there are some genetic factors at work here. I've tried to train myself to go to bed earlier and I just lie there until after midnight. I have to get up mega early (like 5am) for work meetings every week and it kills me. I end up staying up later than I would normally because I know I have to get up.

Basically, if you're a 'morning person' then fuck you.
I slept till 1PM today. Sometimes I wake up at 8AM though without anything to do though, so I guess I'm just weird.
I pretty much invariably shower right after I wake up every day. Sometimes I wake up and put it off for a couple of hours until I'm disgusted by myself, and other times I squeeze in two a day if exercise makes me particularly gross before I get to bed.
I usually shower after I get up, once I've eaten. At school I usually shower before eating because I have to go down to the cafeteria to eat, but sometimes I'll eat first and just try to stay away from people. On occasion I won't shower, if I'm running really late or feeling too shitty to face returning to my room and freezing my balls off naked I might skip a day, but only if I haven't done anything the day before that would cause me to smell particularly bad or be extra dirty. On those days I'll wear a sweater and lots of deodorant and avoid other people. My girlfriend, who comments on every goddamn aspect of my hygiene, has only once asked me if I didn't shower that day, so apparently it's not that noticeable.
I usually take a shower if i have places to go, otherwise i don't, if i'm at home all day. But in the summer, i take a shower everyday even if i'm staying at home.
I shower right before I go to bed, and feel gross if I don't. The way I see it is that if you don't, then all the shit your body's accumulated over the day gets all over your bed and makes you perpetually dirty.

Or something like that.
I have the motivation but not the ability. If I got up earlier I would probably earn more money (and have time to shower, all though I probably still wouldn't because of being relatively clean from the previous night's shower, but I digress). Seriously, I've been fired from jobs before because of not being able to get up early enough. Some people are morning people and some are the complete opposite, like myself. My father is the same, so I figure there are some genetic factors at work here. I've tried to train myself to go to bed earlier and I just lie there until after midnight. I have to get up mega early (like 5am) for work meetings every week and it kills me. I end up staying up later than I would normally because I know I have to get up.

Basically, if you're a 'morning person' then fuck you.
I'm not a morning person but I don't consider getting up early to be completely out of my control, just difficult. A couple weeks ago I got up around 5 AM for three days straight during the week, but over the weekend I started staying up late again and had reverted back to my usual 7 AM to 7:20 AM waking by the following Monday. Granted I have to be REALLY tired in order to get to bed early, but it seems entirely possible to me that if I were to discipline myself for a while and not go to bed whenever the fuck I feel like it I could adjust to an earlier sleep cycle.

I shower right before I go to bed, and feel gross if I don't. The way I see it is that if you don't, then all the shit your body's accumulated over the day gets all over your bed and makes you perpetually dirty.

Or something like that.

That's the point of showering in the morning.