The Whining and Bitching Thread




Showering in the winter is kinda like when you fall out of love with a chick. FROZEN. Can't stand cold, can't function. pain usually take a power nap.
The annoying guy asked if I didn't want to hang out with him anymore and I said yes. He thought I was joking and then tried to start a conversation. Wow.
I have totally gone to multiple fast food outlets before, but only in mall food courts and it was about 8 years ago. I liked dipping Arby's curly fries in Taco Bell nacho cheese.

I have really atrocious personal hygiene. That is one reason Grant will eventually disown me as a friend. My last shower was 36 hours ago and my hair is a little greasy.
Alright. How's this for whining/bitching?

I've been having dreams of my own death pretty near every night for a month or two. I imagine myself being really old and on my deathbed, knowing that in moments I will no longer be alive. Then I imagine just... black nothingness. And honestly? It scares the fuck out of me. HOW THE FUCK DO I GET THEM TO STOP GMD
Do it for the lulz man.

j/k sorry to hear about the scary dreams, though tbh i've always found dreams of dying rather interesting. I had one a few nights ago where the world was just about to end in some indeterminate fiery/explosive event, and my last moments consisted of wandering around some weird teenage girl themed club, watching kids play there (most people had no idea the world was about to end), and then locking eyes with one girl who "knew the truth", whereupon we both realized that the other knew and started crying simultaneously, and kinda just did that together until we died. I think I (or my soul?) was launched into space afterward.
I had a dream similar to Grant's, except I was at my school, and instead of a fiery explosion, it was these aliens that looked like wooden owl statues.
I look up dreams and they don't always mean literal/obvious. I've never dreamed of dying, but I doubt it literally means you're going to die or something. I would imagine if you dream of dying you might want to figure out what it means soon and do something about it. Dreams are not purely bullshit. Look it up.
I know they probably don't mean anything, but they freak me the fuck out tbh. Even if they are "death by old age" dreams. Death just fuckin' terrifies me.
I remember once I had a dream where I was a soldier in a war, and the enemy through a grenade at me. I knew I was about to die so I yelled out "FUCK YOU" and suddenly everything went black, after that I was in that thing where your body is still in dream mode but your mind is awake. I was fucking scared.

Another time I had a dream where I was in a bowl filled with marijuana and someone was lighting it, I was surrounded by burning weed, it was scary as fuck.
I fucking hate trying to scream in dreams but making no sound. That said, my shit scariest dream was Hansel and Gretel-esque one I had a few years ago. There were these cages suspended over this dining room. Each one held a kid and at every meal one kid would have vanished from their cage and the hall would have filled up with the British aristocracy. No one could hear or see me and no one talked. WTF does this mean?