The Whining and Bitching Thread

zabu of nΩd;9561204 said:
I'm not a morning person but I don't consider getting up early to be completely out of my control, just difficult. A couple weeks ago I got up around 5 AM for three days straight during the week, but over the weekend I started staying up late again and had reverted back to my usual 7 AM to 7:20 AM waking by the following Monday. Granted I have to be REALLY tired in order to get to bed early, but it seems entirely possible to me that if I were to discipline myself for a while and not go to bed whenever the fuck I feel like it I could adjust to an earlier sleep cycle.

I haz no disciplinz.

zabu of nΩd;9561204 said:
That's the point of showering in the morning.

If I worked in an office environment I'd probably shower before work as well as after exercise in the afternoon.
I usually shower after I get up, once I've eaten. At school I usually shower before eating because I have to go down to the cafeteria to eat, but sometimes I'll eat first and just try to stay away from people.

This exactly. I NEVER go a day without showering though unless I'm at home (i.e. with my parents, not in uni dorms) and will not be leaving the house for any reason, and even then I usually shower. The only thing worse than the feeling of greasy hair and skin is other people seeing you like that.
I agree. I fucking hate the feeling, and I hate lying in bed with that feeling.

Also hot water tank has been fixed, I get hot showers again, fuck yeah.
Lets talk about when we shower

I have a rule where I can't shower unless I've just exercised. This means I exercise at least 6 times a week which is good for me. Plus it's so cold (uninsulated, no heat except a crappy space heater and an electric carpet) in my apartment that I pretty much can't handle being naked and running to the bathroom to shower unless I am already sweaty.

9/10 times I exercise after work, so I generally shower around 6-7 pm, sometimes much later. I don't feel grody at all. I haven't had a pimple in months and months so I feel this is a system that works perfectly for me.
Anyone notice how the smell of a lot of foods you eat gets stuck in your hair (incl. facial hair) afterward, no matter how neatly you eat? It's fucking gross. I notice it a lot after eating pizza, a nasty cheese smell all over me.
I notice that the smell starts to seep into my clothes and skin too, tbh.

I've came home some nights smelling like fucking Burger King/some other random fast food joint and it's gross.
Onions are definitely the worst. Sometimes I can still smell them on me the next day, even after a shower.

@Butt I have a hard time buying the skin bit, seems like any smell that lingers on your skin can be attributable to absorption by hair or body oil.
I dunno guys, the fast food restaurants here fucking STINK. I get home after a day of hanging with the friends/girlfriend, after going to one or two fast food places and I can smell it on my fucking shoulders and shit.
zabu of nΩd;9564854 said:
Anyone notice how the smell of a lot of foods you eat gets stuck in your hair (incl. facial hair) afterward, no matter how neatly you eat? It's fucking gross. I notice it a lot after eating pizza, a nasty cheese smell all over me.

I purposefully wait to shower until AFTER I've eaten pizza for this reason alone.
if you're going to more than one fast food place in one day (for multiple meals I'm assuming), I smell a bigger issue

There's some days where I chill with friends and I'll go to one place for lunch, then another for dinner, then a movie or some shit. Then home. Then I fuckin reek when I get home. SUCKS
I can usually smell it on my hands. if you're smelling it in your beard and hair, you're a messy eater.
Actually no, I can smell it in my hair quite well without my hair having gone anywhere near the pizza in question. I think the same particles that carry the smell of the pizza to your nose can leave deposits of themselves around you while you eat.

Was trying to transfer a Titans Revenge, Wizspike, Verdungos, and the game poofed. Kicked the other guy out too. That's a decent amount of shit gone. Christ, Blizzard... upgrade your D2 servers you cunts. D2 on Battlenet is the absolute worst nowadays.
I can usually smell it on my hands. if you're smelling it in your beard and hair, you're a messy eater.

This girl I'm somewhat not seeing hates someone smelling their fingers. She finds it absolutely disgusting. And I do that quite a lot actually because I hate when I smell of something. So everytime I have my hands near my face she accuses me of trying to disguise smelling my fingers. She's also attracted to people doing drugs and tries to convince me that it's because they somewhat smell like pharmacy. So yeah.
How can someone smell pizza or any other food in their hair after eating it? I have a hard time understanding.