The Whining and Bitching Thread

Get over yourself you homophobic retard.

EDIT: Oh wait, it was supposed to be homosexualphobc or something. My english.

EDIT 2: Actually I maybe use that word wrong in czech too. :lol:
2 hours of sleep due to jet lag. gained 2 kg in germany and am having nicotine withdrawal because i smoked a bunch and i didnt get to do a bunch of things i wanted to do.
I gotta say, mcdonalds angus bacon cheeseburgers are big and pretty damn good.

They actually look like this @ my local mcdonalds

not like most mcdonalds stuff looks like in the ads compared to real life.
I can't eat there anymore. The McDees we have here is fucking awful. I can't eat anything there without feeling sick.

I must admit, at least the Crispy Chicken Ranch Wraps are pretty decent-tasting though.
This fucking ear, man... feels like there's a cork in it, 4x bigger than the space inside. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Never before have I been on the Tylenol Extra Strengths this fucking hard... and for this long.
really tired of these hipster faggot Hyundai commercials


goddamn that girl and her fucking hipster sweater and goddamn hipster voice
I know, goddamn. I hate music that is self consciously adorable like that. It's like they're making fun of the concept of music.

Gay people annoys me. Just because Im a hot guy with long hair doesn't mean that I want their cock up the ass.
:lol: You don't fool me