The Whining and Bitching Thread

One of my best friends from college committed suicide last night. I have no fucking clue why he would go and do that. He had a great job, was going to be married soon, friends who loves him, etc. Maybe he finally broke down mentally?

Life isn't fair..

Sorry to hear man. That's fucking horrible.
Religion: The belief that everything had to have happened for a reason because humans are too stupid to think that, maybe, just maybe, we are not the most important fucking things in the universe and are, actually, rather insignificant compared to the universe and should not feel so smug and wannabe-special that we invent "logical" reasons for things that involve taking absurd leaps of faith, thereby annulling the reasoning required to believe such stupid baseless fucking things in the first place.

: orkfist :

One of my best friends from college committed suicide last night. I have no fucking clue why he would go and do that. He had a great job, was going to be married soon, friends who loves him, etc. Maybe he finally broke down mentally?

Life isn't fair..

Depression? The shit thing about depression is that your life can be going swimmingly and it makes no difference.

My condolences.
Wow, the Atheism one is a complete fail and a straw man. Ignorant creationists don't know that "something from nothing" isn't what the theorized big bang was.

My favorite creationist explanation is that dinosaurs, mammoths, sharks, dunkleosteus, archaeopterix, and giant spiders were all around in biblical times, but people just didn't care to write about them. Maybe they didn't care to write about them because they weren't there.
So I'm pretty pissed right now. Recently I bought two new shirts. One is a Krieg shirt that I got from Red Stream, and the other is a Necromantia shirt that I got from Hellsheadbangers. Well, they arrived the other day and, like I do with every new article of clothing that I get, I threw them in the wash before wearing them. Well, I went to grab the Necromantia shirt out of the wash earlier tonight and I found 3 huge rips in the back of it. They were not there before I put the shirt in the wash, and all my other shirts that I washed are fine. So either it was Satan, or a message from God, or the shirt is shitty quality. It pisses me off because it's an awesome shirt. It meets my exact specifications for what a metal shirt ought to look like:

That's $16 plus shipping down the drain. WTF Hellsheadbangers!
I remember I got a Manilla Road shirt from ebay and it ended up having a little rip, not sure if I did it opening it out of pure excitement or if it was like that. My mother sewed it up so it's all good now.
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend, Ozzman. I don't think train-jumpers and other suicides realize how much they hurt the people who survive them.

One of my best friends from college committed suicide last night. I have no fucking clue why he would go and do that. He had a great job, was going to be married soon, friends who loves him, etc. Maybe he finally broke down mentally?

Life isn't fair..

:( That is terrible. I am really sorry for you and for your friend's family. Relly hope you are doing alright now. :)

He might have been depressed. People with depression try to hide it to not be tagged as crazy.... and while you think they are doing great they might be thinking about killing theirselves and hating their lives..... when they think about their past, depressed people get no memories of being happy; they just have the impression that everything sucks.

My uncle died when I was a baby, he killed himself. He had 2 kids and he was doing really good with his wife and his job. But he had a strong depression related to the family history (LONG story). My mother (his younger sister) still misses him a lot; he was the closest thing she had to a father. Noone saw it coming and we only know how he really felt because he left a note....


So, about bitching.

Two days I bought some fresh raspberries (they were quite expesive b/c they were 'organic' >_>) and when I woke up this morning they were completely rotten and moldy. I barely had eaten 12 berries and the box said they would last 7 days in the fridge.
Fuck that organic shit. Normal fruit FTW
That's $16 plus shipping down the drain. WTF Hellsheadbangers!

I'll say this. I have 4 shirts from hells head bangers and all of them are fine and worn plenty, but I suspect atleast 2 of them are bootleg. It's probably not their fault at all, because I'm sure they dont overly check authenticity, and try on and stretch out every shirt they get in stock, but as far as I'm concerned, hhr stocks bootlegged merch. Almost every bootlegged shirt I have is crappily printed and on the cheapest black t shirt money can buy.

It's a good distro though. Did you contact them? Tell them about it and send a picture.
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend, Ozzman. I don't think train-jumpers and other suicides realize how much they hurt the people who survive them.


It turns out that my friend broke into an acquaintance's house, stole said acquaintance's gun and shot himself with it.

My friend had apparently been on anti-anxiety meds for a while (I was unaware of this), so I guess he had been depressed and I didn't even know it.

Today is also his birthday

RIP Ken :(
I hope I won't get Green Fever this time. I did last time, and I survived it. I want a tv shirt that says something like "I survived Green Fever." It was intense.
It turns out that my friend broke into an acquaintance's house, stole said acquaintance's gun and shot himself with it.

My friend had apparently been on anti-anxiety meds for a while (I was unaware of this), so I guess he had been depressed and I didn't even know it.

Today is also his birthday

RIP Ken :(

Clearly we need a law against suicidal people stealing guns to commit suicide with.