The Whining and Bitching Thread

Working over the weekend for the first time... I knew it was coming at some point, but it would have been nice to know before the end of the week once I'd already started really looking forward to getting together with friends. FML
Went to Denny's with the gf today, first time she actually got off her hill in over a week... lame weather has been lame.

We try and enjoy our meal and spend some time together, but as is a seemingly very common occurance in WV, someone decided to bring a mentally handicapped woman with them to a sit down resturant.

The first half hour we were there, we had to listen to the woman scream random shit and generally hurr durr extremely fucking loudly and watch children horrified.

I'm not blaming the old woman that couldnt help it... but goddamnit the fucking inbred family she came with shouldnt have: A) taken her there in the first place. like she knows the difference between dennys and a fucking happy meal B) stayed there once she started freaking the fuck out
C) sat directly in the middle of the place

I'm sure this makes me a terrible person, but my lunch didnt need to be ruined by ferris retard's day off. Any would be white knight that might give me hell for this would have been pissed so fuck you in advance.

That is all. :)
Krow, it was a fucking Dennys - unless the prices are listed like this don't expect ambience

Boar ragout with truffles and baby bok choy . . . . . . . 35-
The most crooked dealer I know will not buy my fake hash (that he doesn't know is fake). I must find someone who deserves to be cheated like this.
Krow, it was a fucking Dennys - unless the prices are listed like this don't expect ambience

I know dennys can be noisy... but no one expects to hear some retard scream and I mean scream "I DONT LIKE YOU" half of the time you're sitting there. If I would have broke my glass and slit every one at that table's neck they would have thrown me a parade.
No one ever expects that but it happens. At the end of the day y'all should just be thankful you are not that retarded.

It is annoying and extremely uncomfortable though.
I hate it when people are like "hey, wanna get get baked?" on a week day, then are complete buzzkills when my friends and I have already gone through the trouble of what it takes to get five people to get baked in the middle of winter. I'm not the biggest fan of sitting silently on a bench in the middle of winter, sober or not, or with my friends or not. "Don't fucking laugh, dude! We'll get caught. People only laugh when they're high." It looks pretty suspicious when someone looks at an ordinary passerby and angrily whispers something to their friend whilst punching them. I'm not the one who gets punched, thankfully.
I was kind of lucky that winter, it wasn't that heavy this year here but once there was sleet people were fucked. I managed to escape one accident in which I would nearly kill one asshole in a BMW. Other time I skid off the road on a 60 mph speed and went fucking 360, luckily no cars were around.
I've got this fucking awful stress habit of using fingernail clippers to peel the skin off of my heels and other various places with tough skin. Both heels have been getting progressively worse, but I went a little too far with the left one tonight and now I'm in serious pain whenever I try to stand. I took a picture for amusement's sake but had to banish it from existence when I saw how closely it resembled Shub-Niggurath. I need to find a way to knock this shit off.
Ouch, that sounds painful. Every now and then I have a problem similar to that, except in regards to itching my legs (i.e. itching till theres blood). It feels so good though :erk: