The Whining and Bitching Thread

Nah, a lot of the Quebecois are just automatically douchey towards anyone who doesn't speak to them in Quebecois (I refuse to call it French). Also, racism seems to be fairly prevalent in Quebecois culture.
Doesn't bother me all that much, though, since I go to an English-speaking university and hang out with English speakers.
Racism against who?

Mostly non-whites, as far as I can tell. TBDB is black and got some trouble for it when she was here. They just generally don't like non-Quebecois, though. I've gotten plenty of dirty looks just for speaking English, or for speaking actual French (albeit with my horrible accent).
Fucking taxi driver wouldn't stop the car until the meter jumped 80 yen. I realize it's not that much, it's only 90 US cents/70 Euro cents, but goddamn that's annoying.
You must be having a bad day or something if you need to do that shit to prop yourself up


My air bed went flat in the middle of the night so I feel like a bag of sore shit.

Also Krig's band should play this:

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Mostly non-whites, as far as I can tell. TBDB is black and got some trouble for it when she was here. They just generally don't like non-Quebecois, though. I've gotten plenty of dirty looks just for speaking English, or for speaking actual French (albeit with my horrible accent).

I went to a few Tim Hortons in Quebec last time me and my family went on our drive to Nova Scotia... I got dirty looks at most of them, just for ordering in English (my knowledge of Quebecois is near non-existent... something I should probably remedy but I can't be arsed currently).