The Whining and Bitching Thread

I went to a few Tim Hortons in Quebec last time me and my family went on our drive to Nova Scotia... I got dirty looks at most of them, just for ordering in English (my knowledge of Quebecois is near non-existent... something I should probably remedy but I can't be arsed currently).

same deal with me.
Sometimes i'd make my order in english and just get these "looks" like as if I did something fuckin wrong.
I think lot of the french ppl here are little fucking too anal about the language issue and think that we as anglophones have some kinda secret agenda against them like plotting to overthrow their fucking language or something. ffs.
Question for all you people. Have you ever broken up with someone (or been broken up with, mutually seperated) for reasons outside of your control? If so, how did you go about doing it? Do you suddenly cease all communication and basically block the person out of your life? Or do a gradual type thing?
My first girlfriend ended the relationship pretty early on, citing that she "just wasn't feeling it." It was tough to accept, and the next few months absolutely sucked emotionally because I was completely caught off guard. In fact it wasn't until I got with my now current girlfriend of two years that I came out of that episode.

In terms of "blocking out" I had no choice since we were both Classics majors in a lot of the same classes. We tried to be friends but there was an unspoken tension going on. But once I got a new girlfriend we became good friends very quickly, especially after she got a new boyfriend herself a couple months later.

And counter to all your cynicism, sharing a house with said ex-girlfriend has worked out wonderfully, and it's looking like I may go in on a house with her (and of course my gf) yet again. We're best of friends. Though it helps that she has another boyfriend herself.
Mine ended it after 8 months and cited that we were 'too different' and then she wanted to be friends afterward. I ceased communicating with here purely because she broke up with me over text message and I figured that if she was going to do something like that then she didn't care about me in the first place.

I found out later that my parents didn't like her at all. There were issues with both parties in the relationship, but she was unwilling to compromise on things and relationships are all about compromise.
My first girlfriend ended the relationship pretty early on, citing that she "just wasn't feeling it." It was tough to accept, and the next few months absolutely sucked emotionally because I was completely caught off guard. In fact it wasn't until I got with my now current girlfriend of two years that I came out of that episode.

Yeah, I'm in a similar position right now, except I wasn't broken up with...we had been in a long distance type relationship, seeing each other every few weeks, which sucked ass to begin with. Now he's moving to Germany, so we thought it best to separate, or 'suspend indefinitely' if we ever want to get back together...problem is, I was in favor of a more gradual approach to our separation, but we ended up doing something a lot less gradual, which makes it hurt a lot more
I think this is a situation where logic can overrule emotions. It should be much easier to accept when you two are thousands of miles apart than my situation where we were not only at the same school but the same major.
Oh I've been in your situation before too, which is awful and can linger on endlessly until you find someone else. We had been together for quite a bit long and had formulated quite a few plans for our future, which makes it even more crushing that it had to end that way. And logically, yes, it would make sense to end it and move on, but when it comes to things like this I'm more prone to going with how I feel rather than what may seem best on the surface.
Quebecois are an ignorant, backwards lot and I find it amusing they view the rest of Canada as being the narrow-minded, evil, sinister Anglophiles who are out to eradicate their culture and language. Quebecois is also farmer French and sounds like a language the fucking peasants speak.
Mathiäs;9696614 said:
Now he's moving to Germany, so we thought it best to separate

Typo, or are you gay?
Which is fine, just curious cause I was under the impression you were not.
^ Nazi alert! :rolleyes:


You must be having a bad day or something if you need to do that shit to prop yourself up

It's national grammar day. Indulge your inner nazi!

No one else thought that was funny? Jesus Christ, she's a fucking English teacher! :lol:

That's the only English grammar rule I don't understand

It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. It helps to imagine the answer:

"Racism against who?" "Racism against he."

Obviously, "he" in this situation is grammatically incorrect. You would say "Racism against him."

Whenever you're uncertain about whether to use "who" or "whom," insert pronouns into the sentence. If it's proper to use "he" or "she," use "who;" if it's proper to use "him" or "her," use "whom."


"I'm supposed to give this file to whom?"

Replace "whom" with a pronoun; "I'm supposed to give this file to he" is incorrect; you would replace it with "him," which is why you use "whom."

"Who is getting sued?"

The anwer is "he" or "she" is getting sued, which is why you use "who."

he's gay. he's mentioned this several times in varying threads

Were you listening to the Dude's story, WAIF?

He's like a child that wanders into the middle of a movie...
I watch the news a lot (especially with the revolutions in northern africa and the middle east) and I'm sick of hearng every 5 fucking minutes about the dick-wad charline fuck-off sheen. Here's why

1) the man is a weird looking fucker and walks around with a smug as if he were the modern day Paris of Troy. Ask Mathias, gay people know a good looking man when they see one.

2) woman beater.....ya

3) Two and a half men is THE worst sitcom in the HISTORY of sitcoms. It's fucking 5th grade humor wrapped around a basic plot that repeats itself every episode. Charlie sheen gets pussy, his brother gets none, and the kid makes dick jokes...yaaaa..*repeat*
If you watch that show and were not dim-witted you'd be able to see it's MAJOR flaws. Didn't it also win and emmy? I really hope it was for commercial success (thanks to the multitude of dim-wits in this flawed american education system) rather than writing.
God damn french canadians sound like cunts.

No offence to anyone, but being British I kind of hate them anyway. Surely there's some less gay part of Canada that's English you could all move to?
Yeah just think, if some far left bimbo read this her ears would go down and the people like me who posted it wouldn't get to fuck her slutty ass.