The Whining and Bitching Thread

First time I tried it I nearly had a seizure. Shit puts me in a state of fealing like I'm in a dream.

That's exactly what it was like for me after I got rid of my bout of anxiety.Now that i've tried it once and could give myself a more manageable dose it might be better.I actually had to turn off Misery's Omen s/t album because it was freaking me out so much and this was in the middle of the day.If I could be %100 certain that I would'nt fail a urine test on it I would,very impressive stuff but there's something fucking evil about it.
Ahaahahahahaha, take that rental agency. After they sent someone out here earlier this week who looked at the broken water heater in my apartment and didn't do shit about it, another guy finally came here and found out that the thing has been GUSHING WATER FOR TWO WEEKS and the crawl space of the apartment is flooded like hell. Bet they'll enjoy fixing that.

It's too bad that because of my work schedule I wasn't able to keep them on this sooner, so now I probably have to pay for a shitton of wasted water on my next bill.
zabu of nΩd;9719109 said:
Ahaahahahahaha, take that rental agency. After they sent someone out here earlier this week who looked at the broken water heater in my apartment and didn't do shit about it, another guy finally came here and found out that the thing has been GUSHING WATER FOR TWO WEEKS and the crawl space of the apartment is flooded like hell. Bet they'll enjoy fixing that.

It's too bad that because of my work schedule I wasn't able to keep them on this sooner, so now I probably have to pay for a shitton of wasted water on my next bill.

Bill Obama. Didn't he promise you CHANGE?
Obama promised me my own spaceship like the Jetsons have, and free drugs and hookers. I am disappoint.
That's exactly what it was like for me after I got rid of my bout of anxiety.Now that i've tried it once and could give myself a more manageable dose it might be better.I actually had to turn off Misery's Omen s/t album because it was freaking me out so much and this was in the middle of the day.If I could be %100 certain that I would'nt fail a urine test on it I would,very impressive stuff but there's something fucking evil about it.

Haha you should smoke a lot of it and listen to Blut Aus Nord's MoRT. I'd put chapter II on repeat and just zone out completely.
The more you do the stuff I've found the less amazing it is. The first few times are definently somthing. The taste and smell will eventually get to you though :yuk:

The first few times I used it with my friends I remember one saying that "It's legal so this shit must be REALLY bad for you hahaha"
Fucking nice. They sent a plumber here and he wasn't able to find a way to reach the piping underneath the kitchen floor, so he's going to call in a carpenter to cut a hole in the floor so they can replace the piping.

Plumber: "It's a big job..."
I want to be an independent repairman in something that no one understands in the slightest. I can just make up a bunch of terminology and double the pay to fix a problem that doesn't exist.

Fuck American city design. Which idiot thought it would be a great idea to put things further apart and cut down space for pedestrians and buildings to build streets so that cars can have room to travel those ridiculous distances?
Council cunts are going to be tearing up and resurfacing my street in two days and they haven't told us how long it'll take and I'm not allowed to park either of my cars here and I just paid $80 for a fucking parking permit for both cars and the street doesn't even need resurfacing and where the cunting hell am I going to park you fucking money grabbing unnecessary road working fucks.
It's the opposite actually...I used to be a chronic smoker but gave up last year and have'nt smoked since.There's been a bit about this stuff here in the media and I thought i'd give it a try as a special occasion type thing thinking it would'nt even do anything....I could'nt have been more wrong if I tried this stuff(JWH-018) got me more stoned than any other drug that i've ever know and i've done them all barr heroin.The worst part was,after smoking 6 bong rips i realised that I was higher than i've ever been in my life and that's when the fear set in.Since then i've searched other users effects and found that's what it does.For anyone even contemplating trying this stuff,I would strongly recommend that you don't,or if you must be very careful and only smoke a tiny amount.I was shitting myself...infact i'd go asfar as to say that it was the most unpleasant experience that I can recollect.From what I can gather,it's a combination of being intensely stoned and extreme fear kicking in at the same time.Google it,that is what this stuff does and it can be purchased legally here through the good old internet.I feel sorry for the next kid who buys this crap and hoofs in like I did,they're in for a very nasty shock.This synthetic weed amounted to the first bad trip i've ever had in my life.

First, what's a cone? & Where did you get this stuff?
A cone is the cylindrical brass thing that you pack with weed in your bong,over here alot of people call smoking a bong 'having cones'.I brought it online from PartyPills Australia.
I hate how I can't get my hands on any weed since my parents won't let me have any of my money. This is also especially bad because I know someone who doesn't rip me off.
Fucking car on my back... sapping all the money I get... It was foggy as fuck thursday morning. I couldnt see shit on the way to work. Ran into a crater of a hole and I've apparently fucked up a bearing in my front end or worse.

Also, get a job you fucking lamprey.