The Whining and Bitching Thread

I've been applying to places and calling them like crazy. My parents bitch at me to get a job all the time, so yeah.
Thanks for your sarcasm, Nick. Much appreciated. I don't spend much money on weed in the first place. I can buy an eighth for twenty dollars, and the most I've ever smoked in one sitting was like 3/8 of a gram. So basically, twenty dollars worth lasts me for a long time.

You sound like a person who doesn't like to condescendingly make sarcastic posts.
Why are you taking the moral high ground because someone wants to spend their money on dope?

edit: I decided to go ahead and retort to your impending retort (or possible lack thereof) because I'm impatient.

First off, you don't know the guy, so making judgments about his character is just stupid. Secondly, there's nothing wrong with purchasing dope despite the legality of it or your seemingly twisted moral views, because there's literally nothing wrong with it (both from a physical detrimental and dependency aspect). Third, you drink alcohol (and have done so illegally I might add) which is arguably "worse" for you in numerous ways, which pretty much makes you a hypocrite and come off looking like a snob.

I don't particularly enjoy smoking dope and haven't done it in a long time. But at the same time, I realize that looking down on someone's use of it is nonsensical. You're better than this Nick. I'm not trying to start a shit throwing contest with you, but your comments bothered me.
Okay, so having been on facebook a lil while now it would seem most everyone from high school sure has porked up. Makes me want to go work out just to move in the complete opposite direction of that...


It's good to be the scrawny guy now.
Thanks for your sarcasm, Nick. Much appreciated. I don't spend much money on weed in the first place. I can buy an eighth for twenty dollars, and the most I've ever smoked in one sitting was like 3/8 of a gram. So basically, twenty dollars worth lasts me for a long time.

You sound like a person who doesn't like to condescendingly make sarcastic posts.

He knows the equivocation he made is completely irrelevant and flawed. It's called ball-busting.
I really see nothing wrong with busting the balls of some 16 year old kid because his parents don't want to let him use his money when he intends to use it irresponsibly. And yes I do "look down" on people who use drugs, including alcohol in excess. Even smoking.
i don't really see anything wrong with buying weed, it's just something people enjoy like paying for some other leisure activity or food or something and it doesn't really harm you much (a fast food meal probably would more). however not having to buy drugs/alcohol makes me have so much more money its fucking ridiculous; when i was drinking a lot i wasted a hugeee amount of money but now that i stopped i've actually been able to have excess money and buy things i like (such as the new computer i'm going to get exclusively for gaming next month, fuck eyah nerd stuff :kickass:)
I really see nothing wrong with busting the balls of some 16 year old kid because his parents don't want to let him use his money when he intends to use it irresponsibly. And yes I do "look down" on people who use drugs, including alcohol in excess. Even smoking.

Busting someone's balls and pulling the holier than thou card are two totally different things, and I know you know this.

Like I mentioned before, none of us know this person, so none of us are in a position to make accusations about their character just because of a single comment made on a forum. And how can you determine that his wanting to purchase dope with his own money as irresponsible? What does that even mean? Irresponsible in the sense that he wants to use his money for his own personal satisfaction/enjoyment? Because if that's the case, you're just as guilty as he is for irresponsible spending because I'm sure you don't spend all of your money on mere necessities right? Or is it just that because it's weed and not say, bubble gum, that makes it irresponsible? What makes purchasing weed irresponsible? Because the government made it illegal and society attempts to demonize it as something evil which therefore created your mentality on it and every other form of drug as something bad, which aside from being ridiculous, is extremely close-minded.

And who said anything about excess? I don't recall him mentioning how he was going to blow all of his money on dope. Besides, just about anything done in excess bad. Whether you want to look down on someone for that is your problem I guess. But the casual consumption of alcohol or smoking of dope, despite your crazy and somewhat confusing opinion is not bad for you. In fact, there are many uses for alcohol and dope that are very good for the human body. I'm sure you've heard of medicinal weed right? And surely you've heard that red wine has health benefits as well when consumed in moderation. The smoking comment doesn't making much sense to me though. Smoking in excess and smoking period are pretty much the same thing. Smoking is inherently bad for you and is just stupid. My mom and brother smoke, along with quite a few other people I know and respect. I don't like their addiction, but for me to say what you're saying, that I look down upon them because they're smokers is just sad man.

You can dislike drugs and choose not to do them, to which I say more power to ya. I'm not trying to be an advocate for doing drugs, in fact I'd advocate not doing them for my own personal reasons. But I just don't understand where anyone gets off looking down on others because of personal choices they make that aren't bad for them or anyone if done responsibly and in moderation.
Filling your lungs with smoke is not inherently bad? How can you seriously shrug off all potential health hazards of smoking marijuana? Its legality is irrelevant to me. Smoking marijuana is acting irresponsibly by the very nature of the effect that the drug has on the mind. Being under the influence of mind-altering substances puts yourself and others at risk. This is my main issue, though not my only problem. Just because you may sit in your room listening to music doesn't mean you're "smoking marijuana responsibly" as though there is such a thing. Likewise with alcohol in excess (which is the only thing that I specified as "in excess", by the way). My main issue with cigarettes, of course, outside of the health issue, is the dependency issue. I consider all recreational drugs a crutch and something to be avoided, and the usage of drugs to be a demonstration of weakness, especially when addiction and dependency comes into play.

Tell me, what exactly is so bad about thinking less of a person because of what they do? Am I supposed to be strictly egalitarian and love everybody, or can I value drug usage less and an interest in learning more? It's not like I hate people who do drugs, think that they're bad people, or even think that they're incapable of being a 'better' person than I am. I just think less of them because of their drug usage/dependency/addiction. Not "less of them than of non-users", but "less of them than I would if they didn't do drugs".
Filling your lungs with smoke is not inherently bad? How can you seriously shrug off all potential health hazards of smoking marijuana?

You could argue that, but personally I'd say filling your lungs with a few puffs of dope is a lot less harmful than breathing in car exhaust fumes or other shit that permeates in the atmosphere.

Its legality is irrelevant to me. Smoking marijuana is acting irresponsibly by the very nature of the effect that the drug has on the mind.

Um, what? That's complete bullshit. Honestly, you need to do a little more research on the chemicals stored in the brain and its affects on the body. There are all sorts of chemicals that the human body itself releases to induce some sort of altered state of mind like adrenaline, melatonin, seratonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and the list goes on. What the hell do you think is happening when you sleep man? Your body emits a chemical known as DMT or dimethyltryptamine, which is responsible for your dreams. All drugs do is trigger other chemicals in your body which causes the altered state of mind, nearly all of these occur naturally in the body. So where do you get the idea that sparking these chemicals through inhaling marijuana is irresponsible, especially when it causes no harm to the human body after the affects wear off?

Being under the influence of mind-altering substances puts yourself and others at risk. This is my main issue, though not my only problem. Just because you may sit in your room listening to music doesn't mean you're "smoking marijuana responsibly" as though there is such a thing. Likewise with alcohol in excess (which is the only thing that I specified as "in excess", by the way).

waat How does that not mean you're smoking dope responsibly?

My main issue with cigarettes, of course, outside of the health issue, is the dependency issue. I consider all recreational drugs a crutch and something to be avoided, and the usage of drugs to be a demonstration of weakness, especially when addiction and dependency comes into play.

I agree with the cigarette issues, I hate smoking and don't think anyone should do it personally. But your opinion on recreational drugs is just mind-boggling to me. I have smoked dope before and can't say I'll never do it again. But is it a crutch to me? No. Where you make this connection is completely flooring me right now. What you're expressing right now about dependency and addiction comes in isn't an issue with drugs, it's an issue with human nature. Humans can become dependent and addicted to many more things than only drugs. To me, you come off as if you're afraid of experiencing these different drugs and their effect on the the body and brain. And you speak of weakness, there's no weakness in someone trying to explore the many avenues of altering their consciousness. What's weak is your complete close-mindedness on this issue and unwillingness to even understand the other side.

Tell me, what exactly is so bad about thinking less of a person because of what they do? Am I supposed to be strictly egalitarian and love everybody, or can I value drug usage less and an interest in learning more? It's not like I hate people who do drugs, think that they're bad people, or even think that they're incapable of being a 'better' person than I am. I just think less of them because of their drug usage/dependency/addiction. Not "less of them than of non-users", but "less of them than I would if they didn't do drugs".

The point is, in order for you to justifiably look down upon others you need to be perfect in and of yourself. You are not perfect. Perfection of any form as a human is a physical impossibility, therefore your opinion of others and their actions is null and void. There's no way you could theorize that a person who smokes marijuana or drinks alcohol once in a blue moon is in any way shape or form inferior to you.
I look down on people that are afraid to try drugs. I have respect for people that are cautious about the certain drugs they try.
Are you really looking to turn this into some divisive flamewar bullshit? Because I'm not prepared to do that right now. Maybe you should learn to respect my views more (or understand them better) and stop accusing me of asinine shit like being closed- and narrow-minded and describing me as "sad".

You could argue that, but personally I'd say filling your lungs with a few puffs of dope is a lot less harmful than breathing in car exhaust fumes or other shit that permeates in the atmosphere.

I'm pretty sure we're talking about drugs here, not everything in the world that is potentially harmful. Also, there is an important distinction between smoking marijuana and breathing in exhaust fumes. One is an entirely willful action and the other is a nearly inescapable byproduct of the way of life that we hardly of a choice in. The way people talk about marijuana sometimes almost makes it sound like it's unhealthy not to smoke it. No, willfully filling your lungs with smoke is harmful and irresponsible. Marijuana use damages your lungs. Maybe not as much as cigarettes, but to say that you oppose smoking cigarettes on the grounds that it's bad for your lungs but are fine with smoking marijuana is hypocritical, because they both damage the lungs.

Um, what? That's complete bullshit. Honestly, you need to do a little more research on the chemicals stored in the brain and its affects on the body. There are all sorts of chemicals that the human body itself releases to induce some sort of altered state of mind like adrenaline, melatonin, seratonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and the list goes on. What the hell do you think is happening when you sleep man? Your body emits a chemical known as DMT or dimethyltryptamine, which is responsible for your dreams. All drugs do is trigger other chemicals in your body which causes the altered state of mind, nearly all of these occur naturally in the body. So where do you get the idea that sparking these chemicals through inhaling marijuana is irresponsible, especially when it causes no harm to the human body after the affects wear off?

What exactly is "bullshit" about what I said? I think the separation between naturally occurring 'alterations' triggered by neural reactive impulses such as adrenaline and the artificial creation of an altered state of mind through the consumption of drugs is pretty obvious. Honestly, I'm bothered by the fact that you would even bring that up as though it's somehow a cogent defense of the responsibility of willfully distorting the senses. The fact of the matter is that consuming drugs impairs your senses, as well as your judgment, and can easily lead to causing harm to oneself or to others. To suggest that the state of the mind under the influence of marijuana is somehow 'normal' or related to 'normal' alterations of regular brain function is being really disingenuous. Obviously drugs affect everybody differently and with varying degrees of severity, but knowing that smoking marijuana can leave you in an extremely vulnerable and cognitively compromised state and yet doing it anyway in the name of pleasure and hedonism is most definitely an act of irresponsibility. And please don't retort with something like "so does sleep", because the reasons why that argument would be absurd are numerous, not the least of which being that sleep is a necessary function of the human body to regenerate.

waat How does that not mean you're smoking dope responsibly?

Because it's impossible to responsibly be irresponsible. You're still harming yourself no matter how many precautions to take to limit the possibility of something retarded happening.

I have smoked dope before and can't say I'll never do it again. But is it a crutch to me? No. Where you make this connection is completely flooring me right now. What you're expressing right now about dependency and addiction comes in isn't an issue with drugs, it's an issue with human nature. Humans can become dependent and addicted to many more things than only drugs. To me, you come off as if you're afraid of experiencing these different drugs and their effect on the the body and brain. And you speak of weakness, there's no weakness in someone trying to explore the many avenues of altering their consciousness. What's weak is your complete close-mindedness on this issue and unwillingness to even understand the other side.

If my wording insinuated that I believe all drug use is done purely out of dependency and addiction then I apologize. I would also restate that line a lot less authoritatively, but whatever. In general, there's a pretty reasonable chance that doing drugs will lead to addiction and dependency, and addiction is a weakness, whereas dependency is a crutch. Obviously that is not the case for everybody in every instance. But your tangent about human nature is irrelevant here. It is well-documented that the more common recreational drugs come with the risk of psychological dependency, with the more extreme cases also being associated with physical dependency. Some people do suffer withdrawal from marijuana use, after all. The root cause of addiction and dependency is moot insofar as it relates to responsibly dealing with something. Coke can be addictive as well, but it's not going to impair your judgment and dull your senses, so engaging in a soda addiction, I feel, it would be reasonable to say is being less irresponsible than a drug addiction. And when we talk about addiction and dependency, we are obviously talking about weakness and crutches. Again, to be clear, right now I'm talking only about cases in which addiction and dependency come into play, not every instance of drug use.

I don't believe it's accurate, or frankly useful, to accuse somebody of fear in this instance. One doesn't need to find out for oneself to realize that deliberately impairing your ability to function rationally and react appropriately is irresponsible, which is essentially what being high or inebriated amounts to. Nor does one need to smoke and develop a chronic, severe cough to discover that smoking cigarettes is irresponsible. You think I don't understand the other side as though I don't believe people actually gain any pleasure from drug use, but of course I do. It's just easier to claim that I don't understand the argument from the other side. Anybody who listens to music would be naive to attempt to claim that it's impossible for anything good to be in any way related to the usage of drugs. But that really has nothing to do with my point. That good can come from something does not have any bearing on whether or not that something is responsible behavior. The decision to engage in drug use is a balance between pleasure, relief, and responsibility.

The point is, in order for you to justifiably look down upon others you need to be perfect in and of yourself. You are not perfect. Perfection of any form as a human is a physical impossibility, therefore your opinion of others and their actions is null and void. There's no way you could theorize that a person who smokes marijuana or drinks alcohol once in a blue moon is in any way shape or form inferior to you.

I feel pretty strongly that your claim here is absurd. Of course one does not have to be perfect in order to have a judgment about something external to himself. Such a claim would have to disallow for the possibility of looking down on oneself. If one were perfect, then one would have nothing to look down on. Yet people do so all the time. Now simply transfer that externally. The fact that we are imperfect can only mean for your argument, at best, that our judgments are imperfect, not that it's impossible to have judgments.

To further elaborate, I never claimed that perfection was a possibility, nor even said anything about perfection. Nor did I ever say that my view on the act of people engaging in drug use was particularly relevant outside of the way that I live my own life. And finally, I never, at any point, said that drug use makes one inferior to me. I feel this is important to stress because it sounds like this is the crux of your issue with my statement. I seriously never said, nor implied, that not using drugs makes one a better person than drug users. In fact, I stated outright that what I meant by 'looking down on' or 'thinking less of' (which I perhaps problematically used interchangeably) people using drugs was:

Not "less of them than of non-users", but "less of them than I would if they didn't do drugs".

If you re-read this quote, I think it's pretty obvious that I never claimed that the fact that I don't drink, for example, makes me better than you, or anybody who drinks or does drugs. After all, an individual is constituted of a lot more than simply whether or not they do drugs, and it would be absurd to judge a person entirely on that issue alone. I hope this false supposition was your problem with my statement and that I've made it more clear what I actually meant, because if not we may just have to agree to disagree, unless you want to yell at me and get mad more.

Edit: Actually I should add that just because something is irresponsible does not mean that I don't believe anybody should ever be allowed to behave irresponsibly or that irresponsibility is 'evil' and 'wrong'. That seems to be another misconception that people tend to have whenever I discuss this topic. *cough*Grant*cough* I don't believe in the banning or illegalization common illicit substances and I think a drinking age of 21 is absurd, especially when taking into account that 18 is good enough to defend your country with force. If you can wield a gun for your land, it's probably reasonable to think you're old enough to handle alcohol.
Dodens, I'm going to respond tomorrow because I need to go to bed. I just wanted to say that no I'm not trying to turn this into a flamewar. This is a good argument so I'll do my best to stick to the subject instead of using ad hominem remarks. Sorry about that.
I'm of the opinion that smoking pot once in a while (note: once in a while) isn't irresponsible. However, excessive use of anything is irresponsible, so naturally abusing it or any other drug would be considered so as well.