The Whining and Bitching Thread

I expected that to be a Bel Air. I laughed anyway.

Oh, and proof that Meth can restore hair.


Doesn't meth cause hair loss, skin problems and such?

From what I've read, it usually does, but the above picture shows that it at least restored that dude's hair.
I'm actually surprised it's not being studied. People could discover a solution to hair loss that doesn't require physically messing with the follicles.
Who gives a fuck if anyone is a drunk or does drugs,it's not up to anyone else to pass judgement.As for me I do both,own a very nice house and lots of goodies,if anyone tells me how to live I will tell them to go and fuck themselves.

:OMG: Wow, you have a killer instinct. On the other hand you feel offended for enormous bullshits.
What a dumb idealistic argument.

Essentially what some of you are saying is "Living your life is irresponsible"

Well this is why I have the choice and your judgment doesn't matter.
or maybe I shouldn't do anything? I shouldn't get married because it involves risk therefore it's irresponsible?

No offense to anyone but you guys sound like a bunch of cowards with no sense of adventure or passion. How can you live life with no risk? you can't! but you'll play the percentages? lol that's a contradiction in itself.

Honestly, do you just sit inside all day and contemplate what you won't do? of course not! So many aspects of life are indeed reckless and irresponsible; whether by choice or chance.

Choosing to do something willingly (like drugs or alcohol) does not give you the right to look down on anyone when you take the same risk in your life just as willingly only with different choices and life decisions.

and pot is the least of our problems. In fact, I bet some of you purist would benefit from a hit or two.
I wouldn't go as far as to say "you have no right to look down on anyone," but yeah, there are lots of risks higher than using Marijuana that we do in or daily lives. Crossing the street, fast food, driving a car, etc. No one has overdosed on Marijuana when using it recreationally, or even otherwise.
What a dumb idealistic argument.

Essentially what some of you are saying is "Living your life is irresponsible"

Well this is why I have the choice and your judgment doesn't matter.
or maybe I shouldn't do anything? I shouldn't get married because it involves risk therefore it's irresponsible?

No offense to anyone but you guys sound like a bunch of cowards with no sense of adventure or passion. How can you live life with no risk? you can't! but you'll play the percentages? lol that's a contradiction in itself.

Honestly, do you just sit inside all day and contemplate what you won't do? of course not! So many aspects of life are indeed reckless and irresponsible; whether by choice or chance.

Choosing to do something willingly (like drugs or alcohol) does not give you the right to look down on anyone when you take the same risk in your life just as willingly only with different choices and life decisions.

and pot is the least of our problems. In fact, I bet some of you purist would benefit from a hit or two.

I don't think anyone is saying people should live their lives "risk-free;" that's impossible, driving to work in the morning in a risky activity. That doesn't make arguing about levels of risk and kinds of risk irrelevant. Insurance companies increase rates due to risky behavior; isn't it important that we determine what constitutes such behavior? For instance, health insurance might deny someone who smokes, and auto insurance companies charge extra for motorcyclists; is it fair for them to do this, and is one scenario understandable while the other is skeptical?

And furthermore, I think you should calm down. No one's calling anyone evil for doing drugs.

Oh, and you're also an ass-licker hypocrite (you've licked it to me since we've acquainted, and don't deny because you perfectly know that's the truth).

Do you solicit these services over the internet, or is there a number we need to call?
I don't think anyone is saying people should live their lives "risk-free;" that's impossible, driving to work in the morning in a risky activity. That doesn't make arguing about levels of risk and kinds of risk irrelevant. Insurance companies increase rates due to risky behavior; isn't it important that we determine what constitutes such behavior? For instance, health insurance might deny someone who smokes, and auto insurance companies charge extra for motorcyclists; is it fair for them to do this, and is one scenario understandable while the other is skeptical?

lol You can not compare an insurance claim to my personal choice. When I buy a bike I'm going to the company for insurance. When I decide to drink or do drugs I'm doing it at my own discretion. Big difference.
It is your choice to drink or do drugs, just as it's your choice to own a bike. My point is that both are labeled "risky" by insurance companies, and I'm asking if this is questionable.

EDIT: wait, are you unaware that health insurance companies charge higher rates for smokers?
Hmmm, I was just trolling somebody who I thought would be easy to bug (I was right), but this turned into a full-fledged discussion. I guess I'll add my two cents so I'm not just the jackass at the beginning of the discussion.

Of course drug use is irresponsible. I thought that was part of the appeal. Nobody is responsible all the time and if that's the way you want to act out, so be it. Personally, I enjoy drinking alcohol on occasion but the rest of the drug world is not for me. Pot is just so lame (the culture that is) and makes people slightly shittier than they would be otherwise. Whenever my friends smoke, its like they have summoned a slightly worse version of themselves for a couple hours. I don't have much experience with harder drugs but frankly I'm glad for that.

Before all the pot smokers get up in arms, let me assure you that this is not a moral judgment. I am not looking down on you. I'm just going on my personal experiences of being around high people. I'm a little concerned that my judgment of people really bothers some people on this board, although admittedly I was trolling. If you want to get high, I hope you do without worrying about what cookiecutter on the Ultimate Metal Forum thinks about it.

I don't think anyone here really takes what some user on the internet says to heart; tbh, I find it an interesting discussion... but I still disagree that drug use is inherently irresponsible. It depends on outside factors, such as type of drug, frequency of use, where you do it, etc.

I mean, yeah, getting into a habit, developing into drug abuse, that'd be irresponsible. Doing something stupid like getting into a car and driving while stoned is also really irresponsible, and shows an incredible lack of intelligence.

But as I said, the only way one could argue that lighting up a joint infrequently, lets say once every month, is irresponsible, is in the sense that there is a RISK to one's personal well-being over time. To that, I'd say that as said above, there are tons of things in life that are RISKS to one's personal well-being. Climbing into a car, even sober, is a risk people take every day. Hell, taking a fucking bath, is a risk due to the minute chance (but a chance nonetheless) of drowning in the tub.

Taking risks are something that people do on a daily basis. I don't think you would argue that doing the above would make one "irresponsible", no? It's not like they're even inescapable parts of life either... you could take public transit and not get yourself into a crash, you could take showers and not drown. Sure, you could also not smoke pot*. But the risk here is so small and negligable in the first place, that calling all drug use inherently "irresponsible" is just, as I said, overzealous.

*"smoking pot" refers to infrequent, non-habitual use here.
Jimmy: I didn't make an idealistic argument. My argument was "using drugs is irresponsible". I didn't make any kind of argument about whether or not I believe people should be allowed to do drugs...actually, nevermind, I did. I said people should be allowed to do drugs. So I guess I did make an idealistic apologies, you were right.

Also, your post sounds an awful lot like it's coming from somebody who is offended. And nobody needs to be granted some kind of ethereal "right" to make a judgment about somebody actions. To say as much is simply...mysticism. *scary fingers*

Butt: Pointing out that other things are also irresponsible is irrelevant to the argument that "using drugs is irresponsible".