The Whining and Bitching Thread

Nah, I'm not angry or offended. Dak said something like that in a former thread/post but I'm just enjoying the challenge and I guess maybe I come off as rude but I just feel passionate about certain things.

If anything I really like everyone here and enjoy your discussions. Especially Dak lol
Dodens has more than adequately defended his argument at this point, but there is a bigger picture to the whole issue of drug use which I think makes the question of 'responsibility' relatively trivial.

I'll try an analogy: getting a tattoo on a prominent place of the body is irresponsible because it limits one's career opportunities, yet it has value in that it adds an aesthetic vibrancy to society and can be a source of fascination or inspiration to others.

This is the sort of value that drug use offers, and, considering the immense amount of brilliant art that has resulted directly or indirectly from drug use, it is really quite absurd to dismiss it as merely an 'irresponsible' human behavior.
I didn't "dismiss" drug use as "'irresponsible' human behavior". The only thing that I actually did was state that it's irresponsible. I don't really like the idea of people doing drugs, but in the end it doesn't really amount to anything more than "oh, you do drugs? That's too bad...well, as long as you don't do it around me". As I said before, the act of drug use is a balance between pleasure, relief, and responsibility that everybody has to make for themselves.
Ah, well to my memory this is the first time you've acknowledged there being any value to it whatsoever, so I guess we're cool now :)
Butt: Pointing out that other things are also irresponsible is irrelevant to the argument that "using drugs is irresponsible".

I dunno, I can't agree. I feel it is relevant, when smoking some dope here or there is no more "irresponsible" than those other things I mentioned; basically, they're only really "irresponsible" if one is an idiot about it (driving baked, developing a habit, etc).
Im so fucking pissed off right now
Stupid ass bullshit jobs at work, dumbfuck employees, and a fuck tard that is super sick, but wont fucking go home. And he is in my fucking workspace in my way.
I want to fucking snap. How im holding this back is beyond me. I need to destroy something
I really hate a lot of British people. Especially middle class British people who are liberal and in their 60s. What a load of tossers.
Seriously, what good are immigrants doing for Canada? They come in here bringing their bs customs and take away jobs from real Canadians; and also change the identity/demographics for this country. they certainly don't want to adhere to our customs thats for sure. Take any of these immigrants out of the city and put them where real Canadians are; and then we'll see what happens then. fuck them. I fucking can't stand it when I see some asshole from overseas comes in and lives here for about a year; and then has the nerve to call himself Canadian. Who the fuck do they think are? I don't give a shit if it says on paper they are Canadian cuz they are not.